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It is called articles, but what KIND of articles, WHERE are they from, WHAT is their point?

These are personal contribution about various facets of the SM dog lifestyle. They are broken  down into various categories that also represent the broad structure of the site - this is navigated by the pull down jump list at the top right. So it is quick enough for you to perhaps navigate to articles which are personal contribution from myself and more importantly be the doghouse members.  And their point? To inform, to stimulating and to push  the boundaries in this k9 space of this community.
The 'Style Guidelines' talk about writing for the web and 'Editing Content' shows you how.

  • Care & Training
    - These  are about the care and training of dogs. This is where you will find articles about SM Dog Training in all the various aspects. If there was no thinking behind it all this would be the only section - but there is far more.
  • Control & Ownership
    - This topic is often for Masters and how they should be with their dogboy. It looks at Total Control as a Master has over his slave, it looks and Ownership of another human being, what it means, its consequences and what it means to be owned. Why dogslaves need it so much and what Masters need to own. Likewise not all dogs are slaves and not all slaves are dogs. How does a Top deferrer from an Owner,  Master, Handler  and so on.
    What happens to the rule book when your dogboy is the one that fucks his Master and is very much an Alpha male? Can to dogboys have a relationship with each other? 
  • Dog Gear
    - This is one of the favourite section for most human animals. Yes you all have a collar or two and your dog dish but what about muzzles, or knee pads and dog tails. How do you use all this stuff what can you get it, what's the best for you - can you make it yourself and here how!
  • Dog Think/Dog Mind
    - This is more about the psychology, about the boy with a k9 soul. Why you feel the way you do how you should behave what where when and how. Of course not all dogboy (and girls) are into SM but this addresses what stands us apart from the rest. Then what of dogboys in human animals, how much are you a pigdog and so on.
  • Foundation & Ethics
    - These are about the founding principles within SM dog training. When you have taken on a slave and kept his as a dog for the last 10 years - what is your responsibility when you are done with him? During that time what about his medical needs and the visits to the vet? What happens when you have tattooed your name all over him or  castrated him? What happens if his Master dies what happens to this dogboy, how will he adapt to the new circumstances? Is he trained for a job (you may have prevented his career growth), what about his old age provision? Basically there are different laws that apply to humans and genetic dogs (they don't vote for law makers). Working from the 'Do as you would be done by' stance and that for many "A mans best friend is his Dog" or a "dogs best friend is his Master" then looking after you pup will give you both a happy life.
  • Lifestyle
    - Talking of  "dogs best friend is his Master" what about the lifestyle?
    What about the day to day aspects of this relationship?
    This is for people who dont just wear a chain on their neck for a few hours at the weekend, but have a Master how has lost the key and the chain is there to rot on the dogs neck - like mine.

    In the section about care of the slave is a section on grooming, where your pup is clippered and shaved, but also where you inspect his body. Where you clean his chain (my pup body eats chains - others might get nickel rash). It is up to the Master to ensure his boy is up to standard. The slave might need a beating to maintain quality but also you need to show an ongoing interest in your property.
  • SM Furniture
    - Well you have got your cage, what else is there?
  • Stories and Scenes
    - This is a collection of stories and scenes. This is where reality can blur into fantasy or more into 'super scenes' using items in the Advanced Topics section.
  • Advanced Topics
    - These are for advanced practitioners. They may be anecdotal contributions, and for legal reasons we cannot  endorse things which might be legal in one country and not in another. Likewise some people are into body modification; how far do you go there  - only a court in your local juristic can say.
    Therefore actions here are better described as 'Conceptual' rather than 'Directive'. That said you have more scope to expand your thinking.