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Butt Plug Tails

A picture that says a thousand words.

This picture gives a good example of the roles of both parties.
The dog is made complete with his tail it is an essential part of his identity.
Tails can be made from a wide source of materials. Typically thy are bonded into a butt plug, and are either horse hair, through to fur replica - there are also piggy tails if this is where the slaves head space is normally located.

The tail could also be attached to a body harness or to a piercing down there.

A word of caution, it can be very tempting for others to yank the tail, or if someone steps on it when the pup moves. They would not know that they have just yanked out the pups piercing or damaged his sphincter, thinking ahead would placate these problems.

1 - It IS cool for the wearer to look down & see a tail between his legs.
2 - Once in, it does seam to integrate in itself as a natural part of your body; not needing anything else to keep it in place.
3 - Having someone else give the tail it a slight tug will (like a real dog) only give minor discomfort and definitely get the attention of the dog :)

However a butt-plug would interfere with butt-hole function, so it being attached to some framework would improve things

This tail is typical of those available from Mr S/Fetters where it is Horse hair bonded into a Butt plug that is deep in the dogs gut.
If he wants to feel complete he will hang onto it - however sore, his butt gets!

Example of Butt plug dog tail

This one is carved in leather and made in Berlin.
Submitted by DogSir (irc#gaydogslave)
carved leather tailleather tail

product display

NY Master produces a waggable doggy tail.
He will accept personal cheques, but will hold them until they
clear before shipping. A postal money order with ship within
48 hours of receipt.
You can click on the above pic to be taken to his Dog (& Pony) pages showing rubber pups with the tail in.

tail in use

Pony Plug Tails


Red butt plug tail in small and normal sizes.These tails are made with black plastic 'hairs' which   stay closer together than the real horse hair ones above and are in a red rubber butt plug. The butt plug comes starts at the first size (-01) which is for a butt that has had very little anal play and is not expected to dilate much.

The next size (2066-2) is very comfortable for a butt that been fucked before.
They are ok for long term use and feel more doggy compatible than the pony one above.

Price guide:

2066-2 cost 70 DM (in 1999) on the Rapierbann in Hamburg..

This brand is oil-sensitive, and so it is restricted to water based lube (e.g. KY gel or Aqueous Crème). Ok for normal cleaning such as with an Anti-bacterial soap gel (e.g. CAREX ) and any solution that is also good for sterilising baby bottles.


These tails made by "Red's Black Leather" are distributed through:

DOC JOHNSON Enterprises,
PO Box 9908,
N Hollywood.
CA 91609, USA