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| Providing for your Dog slave |
| Now that the slave has given up EVERYTHING to move to his Master. These are something you might like to consider, other responsibilities are covered here. | 24/7 | | | - So the slave is to be in role all the time, no let up.
Do you both think this is possible? What happens when it is not? - When the slave says he is into body modification, mind control - this is a good time to talk.
Health Care | | | - What about dental and other medical costs ?
- If he is a national he may be part of a state welfare system, if the slave is not national.
| Financial Provision | | | - What financial security are you going to provide ?
- What about pension ?
- Are you so sure that the slave is not allowed to work!
Unless money is not a problem to you, you may like to consider that self-worth can be enhanced by doing a good job and a feeling of contribution to the community, even if unpaid.
| Citizenship | | | - Does the slave have right of abode in this country? What if immigration want to deport your slave. It is hard enough when you are talking about Hetero Man and wife, harder when a Gay couple, even harder when this is your slave. In the olden days, a slave was just property, and it was up to the Owner to provide - these days the state provides, and does not want to become responsible for the person. It is unlikely that the slave would be willing to be a slave to the state (unless he is in the military).
- If he is a national he may be part of a state welfare system, if the slave is not national
| Shelter | | | - This means heat/light/warmth/security and nourishment. Not really a problem if you also love your slave, as your slave is also your partner.
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