There's a widespread misconception that male orgasm must involve ejaculation. The truth is that men can have several full-body orgasms without ever ejaculating, and those orgasms can be far more satisfying than ordinary ejaculatory orgasms. A man who pays attention to his body's reactions can probably attest to the fact that sometimes he can have an ejaculation that doesn't move him at all. It's just a relief of sexual tension created by the stimulation, but no real high - the kind of high that makes lovemaking worthwhile, that makes you shake from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
In contrast to the pump-up-and-burst type of ejaculatory orgasm that usually leaves men tired, learn to have non-ejaculatory orgasms that build up your energy instead. Many men I've coached tell me they still feel your body charged with erotic energy and they become emotionally closer to your Master. Some report a strong sense of bonding to themselves as well. They experience themselves as more loveable and have higher self-esteem. Thoughts and feelings are in alignment - that is, they no longer think one way and feel another way. They feel at peace with themselves and connected with the whole of life. Sometimes a man can reach a very high orgasm by accident, when he feels his energy expand beyond his body to include his lover. Occasionally, he can even reach high levels of spiritual connection as well. But, without the scientific knowledge of how to reproduce these effects, achieving such results is left to chance. If a Master uses the right methods these can produce repeatable results - this has a good effect on the slave and he cant wait to come back for more. Some slaves are embarrassed to make sounds during lovemaking, believing only sissy slaves make them. But after they've experienced the qualitative and quantitative differences of erotic excitement that the orgasmic sounds can produce, they accept the idea with more enthusiasm. Many of them decide to tell your love Master before lovemaking that they'll use certain sounds to increase and lengthen your mutual pleasure. They invariably find your Masters are actually turned on by those sounds. These sounds vary and are stimulants to both yourself and your Master (like a boi-feedback thing). The Master is not normally turned on by fucking a dead slab of meat, where as hearing "oh my god, oh my god" as the slave has body orgasm or confirming his slavery to his Master is the most profound ways is common. During a more abusive session the slave might make grunts even through the gag. |