Social Tribes
Changing my adverts
PreJoining info
Sending a Photo
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Sample Advert
Finding a Master
Finding a Slave
Now Owned
More Info
At a Glance
DogHouse Direct
The Dog pound still represents
the largest collection of personal contact adverts from around
the world relating to human animals.
Unlike some copy-cat sites, the
DogHouse is a Not-For-Profit organisation with a genuine passion
for SM Dog Training.
With continuous innovation being at the heart of the Doghouse,
the Dog Pound allows you to find your contact by what is most
important to you, using criteria such as your locale, the language
that you speak, or your social tribe. In the following sections
some practical advice is given to help you find the right Master
or pup for you.

Finding a slave
What to look for in a slave, and when you have found
him, keeping him.
- Finding a Master
Some reality about Masters that you may encounter.
Managing your expectations, they are still human, even
though they are like Gods compared to slaves.
- Sample advert
This will help you a little in your preparation for
a more effective advert.
- Placing your advert
by Joining.
This is the joining page which is used to place your
information into the database to create your advert
entry. Please read the comments there. Critical information
includes your eMail, Timezone, Section and what you
are looking for - otherwise it is all a bit pointless
really! Give some careful thought about that advert,
a Master is going to read that and form a mental picture
about you.
- Sending a photo
Not that you got the attention of your prospective Master
(or slave), a suitable picture can be attached to your
- Changing your advert.
Not the best idea to keep the same advert forever. You
change, as your experiences grow, you like more different
things. Adverts therefore are constantly being tuned,
to make them even more effective. Let alone you changing
ISP or changing City.