|  | - Send me a photo if you have one:
- If a pup then a suitable submissive, in leather maybe, on the ground possibly) as you are selling yourself to your prospective Master, trying to differentiate yourself from the rest, your not a 'Twinkie' but are genuine slave meat, that would try and do anything to please his Master/Owner if just given the chance.
If a Master or prospective Owner then one that conveys the kind of image that a pup would be seeking in you.
- Send a Picture of yourself as you might appear in a SM bar, avoid pic of you at the office party, at the opera, or something that only has meaning to you - you are advertising yourself here.
- You can include a 'hot' picture of you in an SM scene. That might be horny, but it is generally less good than how you looked when a Master glanced across a bar and saw you standing there. He can imagine the rest.
- Ensure when you send it you tie it in with the same email address as the advert (I do not read minds). Best send it as a JPG, with a name like Master_aol.jpg, "Me.jpg" is not very helpful.
After you have submitted this page, your UUencoded/MIME GIF/JPG photo may be sent as attachments to topdog1@thedoghouse.org - You should understand that pictures on the web are available to be seen by everyone. Send it as soon as possible with the advert.
The picture you send will be linked to adverts page via an orange eye button, pointers to their web page is via a archive/folder button, if they have a PGP key, this is via a Infinity button, this saves on load time which will an issues as the list size increases. -
- What if you have not got a scanner ?
- If you dont have a scanner you can post the photo to the DogHouse and get it scanned in, if you want it back then include sufficient international postage from the UK for its return, for example a letter to the US would cost about $ 1 USD or £0.65 UKP.
If you are in Europe you might have a look at http://www.picturepalace.co.uk where you can send them a roll of film and they can email or cut a CD-Rom with your pictures on it, however you would be restricted to pictures that would not offend your Mother ! -
- Data Protection - Mailing photos to this site is taken to mean:
- I give my permission for The Dog House to display the details and any pictures (sent as attachments) in which I appear on its WWW site, due to the nature of the WWW access to the information that you have supplied about yourself will be uncontrolled (unless password security is put in place).
I also understand that unknown persons may obtain copies of the pictures/information supplied from the web site and my publish them without reference to The Doghouse. I relinquish all claims to copyright and forfeit all rights against the Doghouse relating to these pictures.