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Send Photo |
Use your smart phone or email to send in photos.
Not everyone has access to a scanner to get a picture scanned in, once you have got some nice pictures you can then use them over and over on other sites. There is no restriction as to what pictures you can use on the DogHouse except they must be of you, and and this you declare. I would advise you to choose a picture or two that show you off well, one in gear (leather/rubber/skin etc) with others giving an example of other aspects of yourself. The Doghouse make no restrictions, but other places you make choose to you the pic could, so have one pic that is 'safe' for most places. The other things to consider are:- Legal issues like do not include underage (for your country) or sex with animals, as this could be seen as pushing your luck a bit.
- Avoid offence. Many people say they are not into SCAT/BLOOD/BAREBACK so you might have missed a chance of getting "Mr Right" just because you included that in the picture. The picture should have the widest appeal to your target group, what type do you think your 'ideal' Master would go for ?
Send your photo together with a cheque or postal order for £2.50, made payable to D Thompson then send it to:
The Doghouse. PO Box 2699, Brighton, BN1 8RQ, UK
Please note: Payment via post is no longer accepted, the PO Box 2699 is now closed as the Royal Mail has increased the PO rental by over 1000%, clearly showing their lack of interest in Postal services.
In future payments can only be made via Google, BACS and Mobile/Cellular phones. (07/Oct/2012)
Also include a self addressed envelope if you wish for the photo to be returned. On the back of the photo or on a separate piece of paper, please state the following:
- Your full name
- Your email address that you placed the advert under.
- Sign the bit of paper saying that you understand that the picture will be seen by people on the web.
Also please send us an email to say that you have sent it in, this helps the process along a bit faster. |