I tend to think of of the roles of a Master is also as a teacher, mentor and coach. A Top would not normally have these roles as he is there just to enjoy a slave, like a consumable when as a Master has some invested interest in seeing the slave develop. You can use this in motivating your slave to ever increase his performance, it also marks you out as a natural leader- Coaching is key to unlocking the full potential of your slave. By continual encouragement, effective communication with a good mix of punishment and reward you can see your slave growing; I find the transformation personally rewarding. Slaves trained performance usually follows the following phases. Phase 1: Commitment and Development ^
A slave in this phase of development is characterised by a lack of self confidence, is fearful of rejection, may have a negative (self destructive) attitude, does not have the appropriate face-to-face skills to defend his corner in a Bar or other SM gathering. Dependant on Master for guidance, direction, support, praise and help. Slaves in the phase seems to have a strong aversion to being set individual goals, and their Master needs to keep a close eye on them to ensure that they perform. One the good side they tend to be very enthusiastic, they have a strong desire for training, want to run before they can walk (be careful about what they say they are into versa what they really are into). A slave in this phase needs positive feedback which they respond well to, lots of 'good boy' type of verbal petting. The slave becomes more involved, less an objective experince moving from sub to slave, becoming sujective, like becoming one of the slave family if you will. The slave assimulates is identity, understanding what is expected of him. Over some period of time, the slaved understands what is expected on him - becomes routine. He would be able to train jounior slaves, correcting bad habits before the Master saw them. He too then mentors slaves below him, as the Masters trains him. This is where the Master need only correct lapses in performance. The slave can become sloppy, the slave may become to familiar with the Master, (not too good) and the slaves gets away with things he should not (the slipery slope). It is the Masters most certain responciblity to ensure the quality of the slaves performance - a slave usually sees the Masters are getting 'sloppy' as a weakness, obviously not the 'God' that the slave mistook him for. Coaching and Encoragement your slave ^ - Motivation
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