When exploring Hypnosis as a component of slave training, you need to consider your objectives and what you hope to achieve. There is a lot of fantasy that surrounds hypnosis brought about by TV shows.
It is better to consider it as a practical tool, and a skill that has to be mastered, likewise the slave has to trust his Master completely. You aim should be to improve your slave moving him closer to perfection, helping over come limitations, with this level of power that you have over your slave comes responsibility, your course of actions should not cause damage to the slave.
Although you would have thought things through what programming you might set in place inside him, you need to ensure that he has a safety valve for the unexpected.
A hypnotist cannot make anybody do anything against his or her will or ethics. No hypnotist can impose his or her will or ethics upon a client. If a hypnotist could make anybody do anything, every thing would be one off session. You cannot be made to accept a suggestion. Hypnosis needs two people, a willing client and a hypnotist.
At the end of the day, you could get sued if he came to harm through your actions - and yet by the above definition, the 'client' has consented by being hypnotised, that is he would reject the suggestion if it not somewhere he would want to go. How it would be to use hypnosis and drugs?
This means you have to work on his boundaries using other related techniques such as he would go there. This means that hypnosis is not a single quick fix but just part of the tool box.
What does hypnosis works for?
Hypnosis is the single most effective method of quitting smoking. It has astonishing results such that now most hypnotist offer a 'money back guarantee'. This is because you go there cos you really want to quit smoking, and that this just is behaviour modification. Typically you are convinced you have just had a smoke so why do you want one - you can have one later (later never comes). The people that this does not work for have not bought into the desire to stop smoking, they are only doing it cos the doctor told them.
So before this you have to motive the person. You could say you are not doing to die, just have your legs amputated one at a time, spend the last 20 years of your life blind (due to AMD) - not death but you will wish you were. Your life style will be impacted in a way that you don't like, that your chest if full of black tar, that people can smell you 10 feet away. Whatever connects to an aversion. With parents it is easy - you will not see you kids grow up, you cant play with them and if you were a woman smoking thru pregnancy then your child will have "attention deficit syndrome" let along be stunted by comparison to non-smokers.