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You are receiving this email because this email is in use by a registered user of the doghouse who has chosen to change the status of their account - this email is notification of such a change in status.
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About your email address
Your e-mail address helps to uniquely identify your account on the Microsoft Passport Network. Your e-mail address and password together form the credentials that you need to sign in to sites and services on the Passport Network.
An e-mail address consists of two parts, a user name, which is the part before the @ symbol, and a domain, which is the part after the @ symbol (for example: someone@example.com).
You typically create your own user name. However, some service providers assign user names.
The domain is typically created by the owner of the site where you signed up for the e-mail account that you use to sign in to the Passport Network. For example, you might have an e-mail address ending in @hotmail.com or @msn.com.

If you sign up on the Passport Network by using an existing e-mail address, the e-mail address cannot belong to a reserved domain. For more information about reserved domains.

Your user name cannot contain:

  • Your password.
  • More than 64 characters.
  • Consecutive periods.
  • Unicode characters.
  • Spaces.
  • Symbols other than: ( ' - . _ )

Additionally, MSN, Hotmail, Passport, and Personal Domain e-mail account user names must begin with a letter and end with a letter or a numeral. If your e-mail account user name is from some other account, it can begin with a number.

Domains must follow these guidelines:

  • They can contain any of the following types of characters:
    • Uppercase letters (for example: A, B, C).
    • Lowercase letters (for example: a, b, c).
    • Numerals (for example: 1, 2, 3).
    • Hyphens and periods.
  • They must not contain any of the following:
    • Your password.
    • More than 48 characters.
    • Consecutive periods or hyphens.
    • Unicode characters.