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Some Frequently Asked Questions answered about the Woof Camp pup event held at International Mr Leather [IMRL]: - When and where is Woof Camp being held?
- Friday, May 28, 2010 from 10pm-1am at the Hyatt Regency Chicago in Chicago, IL
in the West Tower on the Gold Level in Regency Ballroom A which is located next to the Ballroom Registration Desk. - Directions: From the main hotel lobby, go one level down to the Bronze Level. Walk down the hallway and to your left to the escalators, take the escalators down one more level to the Gold Level. Directly in front of the escalators is the Ballroom Registration Desk where Regency Ballroom B is located. To the left is Regency Ballroom A where an easel with the event poster will be next to the door entrance and the leather dog pride flag hanging on the wall. [see the Hyatt Regency floor plan on the Woof Camp website]
- Does it cost anything to attend the Woof Camp?
- No, as always the Woof Camp event is free thanks to our sponsor, SquarePeg Toys. From its beginnings in hotel lobbies and side spaces at various leather events, the annual pup party has grown, with the help of many dedicated volunteer pups and Handlers, to become one of the most attended events at IMRL. The purpose of the pup party has always been about having a place for people to get to know about the pup scene and for a place to let pups romp and be themselves. To that end, the party has always welcomed everyone who wants to attend, free of charge. That is the case this year, as it has been in the past. The generosity of our past sponsors, and of this year's sponsor and door prize donator, SquarePeg Toys, allows us to rent one of the spaces at IMRL so that we can comfortably, and safely, let pups be pups. We encourage everyone to support our sponsor SquarePeg Toys during IMRL and throughout the year – support their business as they support our community!
- I see that there is only one session for 2010, as opposed to the two sessions in 2009.
What can I expect to occur at this Woof Camp? - 10:00pm – 1:00am: Open To The General Public
Due to time constraints there will only be one session this year. This session will be open to the general public for all pups, Handlers and friends to hang out and is the session that is generally heavily attended by observers. As usual, we anticipate more pups than Handlers in attendance. Please note that photography and videography will be allowed. There will be background music, door prizes, assorted activities, pet photography, two stations for those wanting to experience a vet exam or grooming performed by a volunteer and two designated areas for fun, monitored by volunteer staff. There will be an Active Area for those who want to romp around, interact with other pups and Handlers and have some general fun and a Quiet Area for pups who may be intimated by the larger and more aggressive Active Area and want a way to test the waters first. It is also the area for those who just want to rest, take a nap, nuzzle with each other or hang out with their Handler. - What if I don't have a Handler/Trainer, can I still attend Woof Camp?
- Absolutely! Pups without Handlers are encouraged to attend as Woof Camp is all about the pup community itself, and pups without Handlers are still pups! Depending on the number of Handler volunteers, pups can still learn, socialize and train with other pups in the the Active or Quiet areas. Also, you never know when you might just catch a Handler's eye for training, grooming, etc.
- I heard there will be door prizes and commemorative pins given out this year?
- At 10pm the first 75 people through the door will receive a free Woof Camp 2010 commemorative pin. From 10pm-11pm we will be handing out (1) door prize ticket per person. Tickets will be drawn at Midnight and the winning numbers displayed on the easel board next to the front door/prize table. You must be present to win. Unclaimed prizes will be saved for future events.
- I also heard there will be a group photo?
- In the past we used to take a group photo of those who attended and then it fell to the wayside over the years. We are once again taking a group photo to document those who attended Woof Camp. The group photo will be at taken Midnight.
- Is there anything I need to bring with me to participate?
- Yes, there is several things to bring, the most important your desire to participate and have fun exploring your pupdom or Handler side. In addition to this, pups and Handlers will want to bring some specific items:
For pups: - to help protect your knees, knee pads are highly recommended. If possible some form of hand/knuckle protection. Some form of bowl [metal, plastic, collapsible, etc] to hold water/liquid in as you will get dehydrated very quickly from exertion. A towel to wipe off sweaty bodies, wet mouths or use to lie on or cover yourself when resting. A collar [leather, metal chain, etc] so you can be leashed or to help put you into your pup head space.
For Handlers: - A leash [leather, metal chain, rope, etc] to assist with Behavioral Training, walks, etc. A collar [leather, metal chain, etc] to temporarily use on new pups to help with pup activities. Some form of bowl [metal, plastic, collapsible, etc] to hold water/liquid in for the pups/Dogs as they will get dehydrated very quickly from exertion. A towel to wipe off the sweaty bodies, wet mouths or to have the pups/Dogs lie on or cover them when resting. A bag of treats will certainly bring pups running to you.
- If I have questions or need assistance at the event, how can I identify a staff person?
- Volunteer staff will be wearing red Woof Camp shirts and will be able to assist or answer questions you may have. You may also head to the front door where a staff member will be at all times or any of the staff members overseeing the two designated areas.
- Will female pups be at the event?
- Yes, but this is International MISTER Leather and as such Woof Camp is designed as a male energy event. We would ask both pups and Handlers of both sexes to respect the others' preferences and signals (a growl is usually a good sign to ease off).
- Will there be any other pup parties during IMRL?
- Officially, no. But there will be plenty of private ones occurring either in hotel rooms or possibly in the vendor or lobby areas. Introduce yourself to others, meet people, ask around! Also be aware that a lot of pup activities can happen simultaneously in various places – IMRL is famous for impromptu pup romps in lobbies, hallways, bars, etc.
- Is nudity allowed?
- Full nudity will not be tolerated, and anyone that does not comply with this will be asked by our volunteer staff to leave the event. Even though Woof Camp is held in a private banquet room and is a safe place to be yourself, the event is still subject to the laws of the State of Illinois and the City of Chicago. Pups and Handlers are asked to use common sense, and to help keep this event fun for everyone.
Most pups at the party are in some form of rubber or leather gear though there are many in jeans, shorts, singlets or jockstraps. Pup tail butt plugs, like the ones SquarePeg Toys sells, are acceptable [see past Woof Camp pictures on the website to get an idea of what others wore]. Remember no total nudity will be allowed. As a side note, it gets very warm when playing in the Active Area, and dehydration can be a very real concern, so choose your attire wisely. - More questions? Please visit www.WoofCamp.com.