Home » The Dog House » Members » The Foundation » Advice » Loan Out | | Bored with the Same Old Scene? | | | - Master getting a bit to predictable?
- Always the same menu?
- More like lovers that Master and slave perhaps?
Well all to often it happens, usually when the Master discovers that the slave wants to play around, and feels that he is loosing his slave, that he is no longer good enough. The Problem ^The more you love your slave then less things you can do to him because 'you love him', "...how can you do THAT to your lover?"One aspect of the problem is familiarity, the slave wants excitement and danger from the unexpected, the danger of the unknown, what is this other Top REALLY like. That is when your boy plays with you, does he get an adrenaline rush .. no, because he knows 'You would not do THAT sort of thing'. That is you have become 'stale' different from good or bad. Slaves/people can easily get bored with the same old routine. The Master worries that the relationship is over, that he is no good, well everything goes though his mind. He says the slave has Changed. The slave may well have guilt feelings, frustrations - but neither of them talk about this issue as 'the risks are too high', and feels that the Masters is the same old guy. The slave looks over the fence and see greener grass. All new Masters have the attributes that a slave will project on him, the slave wants to believe that this Master is The One. Most slaves wank off thinking about sex with a 'Dangerous Top', they always think about pushing their limits, this is the stage for when it happens in reality. |  | The Master needs a sense of detachment, accept that he might run off with someone else, thereby releasing that worry, but believe that he is going with the others as it is 'just sex'. Real Master needs a sense of detachment from his slave, he is not a lover he is a slave, treat his as he expects. The slave is projecting for a God Like Master its up to you to fit his projection where possible.
One ideal Master, is a remote and detached GOD. That allows all the projections from the slave to 'stick'. Where the slave will experience new stuff often, and will always push his limits, and discover more about himself. We are here to learn lessons and the world is our teacher - when we fail to learn a lesson, we get to take it again and again. Once we have learnt it we move onto the next. For both the Master and slave, you are always learning new stuff. I have been into SM for over 20 years, and as good as I am, there is still more to learn, hopefully stuff I do not even know about yet. | | Predictability ^ What can you do about the 'predictability' ? - Ignore the 'favourites' that you and him may have, be know that when he goes to you he will get zyx!
So, keep changing, experiment, try something different, a good rule is that 60% of your content is what you know and love, the other is new. The 60% is what you are both interested in and can depend on, the other may or may not be successful. He might not respond well electro or shit training, this time round, but then it might be a seed that grows and he will want more. - Keep clear of the taboos. Everything is possible, or the thought of everything is possible. Most slaves/Masters wank off about extremes that they might find hard to do in reality.. yet the seed reality. Slaves think about Dangerous Tops. The projected visions of the Ultimate Master onto the Master they first meet (how can you live up to this), the illusion dissipates with familiarity, so there is a 'maybe this time' factor.
- This rush is common with people that go cruising the 'cruising grounds', who are they doing to pick up... Let alone the thrill of the chase.
Projection: " really horny guy" -- whatever 'horny' means, but different from what I have at the moment, and hopefully better. Risk: "Undercover Cop, Killer, Thief, Heavy Sadist, Heavy Slave, Pervert with unknown extremes, His New Master, environmental damage - falling over in the dark" Actuality: "Anonymous sex, meeting a guy much like the others that go there, you might be tied up to a tree and left." Probability: "Each encounter has the 'Maybe this time' projection, if it remains Anonymous there is less risk of any of your illusions getting broken.
| Loan out your slave ^ One option is to loan out your slave to another unknown (to him) Master. This needs some self-confidence from the Owning Master but it will make a world of difference. The Master will Weather the slave likes him or not, he is going to have S&M of the Masters terms, the slave might be hooded all the time, and might never see this Master. This happened to one of my slaves, he as used by a guy the slave called "Mr. Bubbles", the slave never saw the Master, never knew where he was taken, and was deliver back, sore, drained but in good condition. So this is one thing that you could do is make contact with other Masters and arrange to take your slave to him. I know it is hard for a Master to let go of a slave, as you may fear he will run away, or some other Master will steal him, but if you don't he will be gone anyway. So what practical steps can you take ? - You can check out the 'references and reputation' of this Master.
- Find out some of what he is into, and inform him of as much as you know about your slaves sexual needs and wants. It is easier for a 'detached' Master to toilet train your dog that for you to do it. Love can get in the way.
- You need to arrange a way to deliver the slave to the other Master.
- Maybe hitching on a road at a given time and place then to get in the back of the van.
- Go to the house, through the door, kneel down and get cuffed and blindfolded.
- Your Master may prepare you and let someone else walk in. This is good if the Master is into 'showing his dog'.
- The more anonymous it is, the more the slave has the ability to project, and the less feedback there is to alter his projection - hence the need of distance from the Master.
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