| I would say the slave should always be in bondage when he gets shaved. This is dead important. It is almost like his manhood is being sacrificed. It is at this time when he gets his first crop cut from his Master. The Master is marking his Mark on his slave, showing who the boss is - this is a very submissive act for the slave, and has real meaning to him. The slave can be presented in many ways for shaving. Typically it is done so that the slave has no illusions as to who is in charge. It is very definite that there is fuck-all that he can do about it and the Master has the power to do whatever he likes. It is not something that should be rushed, so you can leave him secured and ready, and let him wait. The same goes for his beatings, have him secure, leave the whips/floggers out for him to see, and have a nice relaxing bath, looses up the shoulder muscles whilst all he is thinking about during that time is how much it is going to hurt ! Well its ok to shave the cock and balls area with a normal Gillette safety razor, the ass hole to is ok, IF he is not too hairy or has no tags around his anus - ideally his body should be hairless. You might want to test some IMAC hair removal crème (for sensitive skin) as this works great, BUT try a little on some other area of his ass to see if he reacts to it. Using an electric razor may be ok, but its 'cheap' not really the thing a 'MASTER' would use. So you can use clippers first on his chest, arm pits, pubes, then use a razor. Note you can have him soak in the bath, the water will get into the hair, making it so much easier to cut. However it this is the first time you are to shave the boy, it must be done in Bondage as this is a statement, you are marking him. You can use wet shave-try the King of Shaves no foam gel, then you can clearly see every hair you cut, there is no foam hiding anything. wet the skin first, then apply, this makes it very slippery. Note that you will need quite a few blades, as sharp blades have the best cut, and blunt drag against the skin, damage it. Often you might need to scrub at the skin with the razor, and the razor will clog, so constant rinsing in a bowl of hot water is good, always keep the shave surface lured. It is also possible to shave with fine unscented baby talc, as this can also reduce the possibility of in growing hair, the now pointed end of the hair is below the surface of the shin, the skin can close over it a little, so when it grows back out, it can have a barrier. I still like to put a moisturizer on the skin where its been blade shaved to prevent this. Also sweat can cause some problems. The hair that dealt with the sweat, how gets replaced with some talc. Note also that the skin gets used to this, and the itching etc is only a problem initially, in time is it not. |
Before you you say it 'real men don't use moisturizer', and real men, look old before their time. Gay men on the other hand do care about their looks, and a Master is just as keen to have a good looking slave for longer. All of those points are covered in the Looking Good page. In the mean time, after you have wet shaved your slave, you might want to apply a moisturizer such as Curél (usa: curel.com it says here for product info). There are others, but aim for scent free. You can also use this as a barrier to prevent nickel rash on your animal. It is not unusual for a Top once he has shaved a slave, just to wash him down (always ensure no trace of soap remains), but to leave the slave so that the skin gets taut and uncomfortable, not caring about problems the slave might face later, as an SM thing. If the slave is your property, and you care for your boy you are inclined to be different. Witch Hazel/Tea Tree oilIf your slave has a rash you might want to apply a natural healing solution to the area when the sharp ends of the hairs are catching the skin as the grow back. My preference is to either pick out the hairs with a clean pin or to scrub the the shin a little so releasing the hairs and cleaning it after. Ideally you leave it alone, keep it clean and dry letting it sort itself out. |