What is a slave Acceptance Your Master Even then Finally Final thoughts
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In Search of a Master
|  | by crawler, property of its MASTER CBT_Bear. (During the course of this discussion slave has dispensed with slave speak, on the orders of its Master) My Master has read various drafts of this but refuses to make any comments as he feels it would dilute it. He feels this is something his slave should do alone. Having said that he has offered his slave various pointers to areas that might benefit from discussion. Although at various stages he has said he feels like writing it <g> in fact slave wishes he had! A slave is a man who requires to submit to another man in order to find themselves in life. A slave may help choose his destiny by living in obedience to another man’s will and to serve that man — his MASTER — with total loyalty and obedience. Most slaves are very bright and capable. But slaves generally do not make decisions easily that concern themselves, and that is one of the reasons they seek a Master - to help them face their own lives in a better and more complete way, and hopefully to become a more complete person. One of the hardest things most slaves face is coming to terms with the fact they are slaves. Because of social pressures and our up bringing being a slave seems to be alien to everything we know. But some folks are meant to be slaves, to serve a Master without question. Only then can we be truly happy. It is wonderful state of happiness when we reach that point. To reach the point of accepting you are a slave (by slave i mean someone who lives life as a slave and not just a scene to get off on) is not easy. The reason i make this difference is if you are 24/7 you have to live as a slave for the whole of your life. It take a lot of soul searching and heartache. Yes we want to be a slave but often we deny ourselves. We suffer agony due to failing to face the truth that we are slaves and need to be slaves to be truly happy. Once we face the truth that we are slaves and to be truly happy, we must have a Master to serve, the better. Yes you find times when you get confused, scared, unsure but it is part of facing up to what You really are a slave. When you accept that you were meant to be a slave you can move forward. This slave has finally found happiness and peace of mind now it has finally accepted what it is. So to anyone going through this stage i would say face up to what you are, be true to yourself so that you reach the happy state of being yourself, not a cut out image. My MASTER knows some of the hell his slave has been through as it comes to terms with itself, and its life with it’s MASTER. Why does Your MASTER choose one individual to be his slave in preference to another, because in his wisdom MASTER knows that a particular slave can give him what he wants and needs, someone who will trust him completely and obey all his orders without question. Every MASTER has different needs and expectations of his slave. When you have faced the truth about yourself, along the line with Your Master you will have to face even more truth. These include having to learn new techniques which you have never experienced to please your Master. For the whole of Your life as a slave you will experience insecurity in many forms as you face things along the way. The thing that makes most slaves insecure is the fact that there is no security. A Master can terminate your slavery at any time without giving any reason, whilst the slave does not enjoy that privilege. Having once making your commitment you cannot end it as only Your Master has that right. This is why you should face the Truth carefully because once you head down the slave path there is no going back! Lets take a brief look at why every slave thinks its MASTER is the best. When looked at logically its quite simple, Your MASTER can bring the best parts of your slavery out in you. Something you cannot do if you are not totally compatible with your MASTER. To be totally compatible you have to have total trust in Your MASTER knowing that all his decision have been carefully made in the best interests of his slave, and therefore you obey his orders without question., even the orders you find difficult. This is has been one of the hardest exercises in writing that slave has ever done, not easy putting into type your inner thoughts as to why you are a slave :) Master would tell you that it took time for slave, who is normally a very private person, to allow Master access to slaves most inner thoughts. But this slave is glad it faced itself and found a MASTER who it can serve as a slave. However badly. I just hope this in some small way might help others through the difficult period of self acceptance.