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 Advantages Disadvantages The Dog Chain Walking on a leash Not Just Padlocks
Choosing your Collar
Walking on a Leash
|  | This by far is the more traditional collar. From a looks point of view this one looks permanent, Master has the key, it not only cries out 'slave' (or prisoner/captive), but with the dog disk add another slant. To many Masters it is a strong attraction/magnet, you wear one of these if you want him to jump to conclusions. It is more adequate when you have fully integrated your doggy self into your human self. Typically when a slave has 'matured' and his self awareness has developed. However as with all permanent markings, a slave needs inner strength to wear such symbols all the time. If he feels insecure he may have a problem with this. However if he is a 'punk' type or has an exhibitionist streak then he would go for this one, the more 'in your face' about it, the better.From an inner strength point of view, this can be drawn from various sources, typically drawn from his Master (the centre of his universe and his bed rock!) or from a well defined inner confidence which can be developed. That the slave has at least all the emotional traits (and so responses) of a dog, so keeping your slave in the doggy role is the kindest thing you can do. This also includes a strong SM framework (not necessarily whipping the shit out of him - you punishing him when he has done bad, praising him, rewarding, making him feel good when he pleases Master) IMHO dogslaves are not that hard to satisfy (once you appreciated where they are coming from). As with real dogs, they have strong loyalty, they will do there best for the Master, but if they get ignored, they can break from the pack and stray (see cages ). - Does 'clank' against his dog dish when feeding.
- Does rattle when dog sakes his neck, so encouraging 'playful' behaviour, and further doggy traits.
- Easily removed IF you have the key.
- Feels like a 'talisman' given to you by Master, and in time you no longer notice it -except when it is gone.
- Can hide it under a 'dress' shirt at work, so is best suited when slave is Marked/Owned and working.
- The collar is wider than the chain so can do less damage to the neck if tugged or dragged.
- Feels good and secure in the hand, functional and good to hang onto your boy when he sleeps next to you. He will feel far more secure that way, more than any other collar.
- Every chance of nickel-rash.
So prevention is better than cure (see grooming ) - If you yank one of these, the force placed on such a small 'cutting edge' against the vertebrae of the neck will cause problem - If a Master yanks/drags a dog by then, you guys really need to talk!
It is important have his doggy chain lock (by his Owner) around his neck. This is one reason why it is one of the logos of the DogHouse, Ownership is an essential part of the dogs psyche, the sense of belonging, the self-identification of what you are. The dog tag is important as it separates him from the traditional slave, yes he is property, but more than that his is basically animal - and treated like one. Other types include the Choker, This is an essential that can be obtained from any Pet Store. They basically from a noose that in normal use hangs loose against the neck with a nice rattle to them, or pulled tight can provide an effective ligature.
Alternatives to the pad lock is soldering on a link, assuming that filling the lock with super gule/Lock-Tight is not acceptable! | In place of using a padlock the feeling of a continuous chain running around your neck is also good.  Here are some choices:
Use a saw and cut into the link and twist it open, then fill off any metal bards connect the link with the other end of the chain, ensuring that it has not been twisted, and close the link around it. You would need two pairs of slip-wrench pliers to make this job easier, and be careful with the grip so you done score the link. You could use a small bit of leather to protect the metal. It is possible to put a tiny but of metal glue in the cut link. But with some effort the slave could free himself.
Use a small chain connector and screw it closed with lock-tight or super glue. Solder a piece if linking metal to hold the links together. You have to choose the right metal that can be soldered (silver/copper/nickel etc). The chain will get quite hot, so ensure that you have a thick towel as insulation.
I know of one case where the link was spot welded closed again using a modellers tool (for the fine precise flame), but this needs practise.
However now that this chain is there in place, you need to be aware that it will not be long before the chrome comes off and the nickel is expose and if you are prone to nickel rash you will need to change the chain, unless you use a Silver or Stainless Steel one. Also note that Brass does not rust, but with the acids in the skin it can produce a green/blue residue ("vert de gris") this is Copper Sulphate and happens with any material based on copper. Just clean it regularly. In time your natural body oils will produce a natural barrier on the padlock, it will then become a yellow/brown colour. Alternative locks are in laminate steel and look less good, but it is a choice you make. We can now explore just how much effort the slave needs to remove his chain. Like when he has to go the a new gym for the first time, or Mother has come to stay and would ask too many question that have not been prepared for. We will ignore the cases when the slave wants sex with another Master and pretends he is not owned, or wants to play top and convince the other guy that he is to be taken seriously. Quick note here. - Some slaves make good tops (and in time will usually be Masters when they reach their 40s). Think of it as a pecking order, where the top dog is at the top of the heap and the underdog is at the bottom. There are many 'slaves' that go top because they cannot find a Master up to their standard, when they know more than the guy they are playing with, it is often a case of "Well this is how its done!" I also know of one slave now trains other slaves. So playing a role and knowing what you are are two different things. It is easiest to think of it in terms of you being multifaceted, and the other guy presses your 'sub' or your 'top' button, and you behave accordingly. What is not good is to switch with the guy you are playing with, like "For you" his is your Master, even if he is sub to someone else.
- However the quickest way for a Master to get rid of a slave is for that Master to ask, suggest, imply that the slave should Top him! This can even be if you are under the slave as he chews your tits, it might just occur to him that he is on top, or that "things arn't right", the 'God Hood' of a Master has to be maintained at all times, and know that a slave will have high expectations of you, will luck you can full file them.
- The slaves that want the PERFECT Master, might be without a Master for some time.
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