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TheDoghouse.org relies on
monitors to keep an eye on the the web site, the message boards, chat
rooms so that they remain a safe and pleasent space for our community
members. Monitors use their good judgment to enforce our guidelines.
Please review the monitor guidelines for a
more complete description of a monitor's duties.
To volunteer as a
TheDoghouse.org chat monitor, you must:
- be a regular TheDoghouse.org chat room user for at least 6 months.
- have no history of violating our guidelines.
- be at least 18 years old.
- work well with other volunteers.
As a TheDoghouse.org chat room monitor, you have the opportunity to:
- develop friendships and work in a unique online community.
- provide a new level of service to your community.
- strengthen your online skills.
- assist in the direction of the TheDoghouse.org community.
TheDoghouse.org expects our monitors to:
- attend scheduled net meetings.
- protect confidentiality.
- respect guidelines.
- project a professional manner.
- keep up-to-date on TheDoghouse.org's policies and procedures.
TheDoghouse.org also requests:
TheDoghouse.org suggests you get a recommendation from a current
volunteer, but it is not required. Your application will be reviewed by a
group of your peers.
To help guard against unauthorized access, TheDoghouse.org requests the
name of your Internet Service Provider, i.e. "aol.com," "earthlink.net," "netcom.com,"
or "sunlink.net."
The e-mail address you provide must not be a free service, such as
Yahoo, Excite, or Hotmail. This helps us to guard against fraud.
We appreciate your help in making TheDoghouse.org a safe gay, lesbian,
bisexual and transgender online community. |
Guide Lines
TheDoghouse.org takes pride in being the largest gay,lesbian, bisexual
and trangender SM Dogtraining community online.
In order to ensure a safe environment for all our visitors, we encourage
you to make note of the chat guidelines listed below.
- Violations will not be tolerated. TheDoghouse.org monitors have the
authority to remove unwanted visitors from chat rooms at their
discretion. Removal may occur on the first offense of any guideline
listed below.
- The youth areas are for slave youth to interface with a space
of their own, it is not intended a hunting ground for prey.
Chat Room
- Solicitation for sex or pictures is not permitted in youth areas and
sexually explicit nicknames and profiles will not be tolerated.
Discussion should not be sexual in nature. Violations will result in
removal from the chat rooms. Monitors are permitted to request private
chat with any user on the male youth floor for age verification. For
information about youth safety online, go to:
Internet Safety Guidelines for Children.
- TheDoghouse.org does not permit
pornography in its chat rooms, profiles or homepages. Some of our
partners may allow some of this material on their sites, but on the
portions of their services co-hosted by TheDoghouse.org, this material
is not allowed.
- We welcome people of all sexual orientations, ages, races,
religions, genders, ethnicities and viewpoints. We do not tolerate
expressions of bigotry, hatred, harassment or abuse, nor will we
tolerate threats of harm to anyone.
- Advertising is not permitted
in public chat rooms, profiles or nicknames. This policy forbids the
inclusion of profiles that contain links to Web pages that redirect
TheDoghouse.org visitors to adult sites, pay-per-use sites, adult
verification sites and escort services. Links to Web sites intended for
obvious commercial intent is in violation of this guideline. Pay-per-use
sites using TheDoghouse.org chat may not advertise in visitor profiles.
Pages/sites with credit card submission forms are not permitted.
Violators will be asked to remove promotional information from their
names and profiles. Removal from the chat rooms is warranted, if this
policy is not honored. Nothing in this section is to be construed as
banning homepages hosted on other sites that meet our guidelines, e.g.
homepages on such sites as www.gaydar.co.uk, www.geocities.com and
www.planetout.com are not to be construed as violations of this
- TheDoghouse.org does not interfere with the relationships made by
its visitors. Please do not contact us to mediate disputes you may be
having with other visitors in the chat rooms.
- Monitors are instructed to refrain from interpersonal disputes among
visitors. Please use common sense when requesting help from a monitor.
We encourage settling disputes without monitor mediation. Be aware that
she/he is monitoring multiple rooms and your request for attention
should be justifiable.
- Personal disputes or arguments should not take place in public chat.
Please use private chat when arguing. Failing to move a heated argument
to private chat will result in removal from chat.
- Bashers are not permitted. Monitors are instructed to immediately
and permanently ban any such individual from the chat rooms on the first
- TheDoghouse.org believes everyone's chat experience should be a
positive one. Visitors who purposely disrupt conversation in any room
will be removed from the chat rooms. Examples of disruptive offenses
include filling the chat window with the same message, self-indulgent
evangelism, USING ALL CAPS and repeated changing of user names.
- Visitors of the opposite gender must move to the "Friendly Visitors
Room," "Bisexual (mixed) Room" or other specified area upon request by
any visitor in chat rooms. Monitors are instructed to remove
individual(s) for violation of this policy.
- Impersonating someone else is not allowed.
- Illegal or fraudulent activities are not allowed.
- Research, interviews and therapy are prohibited in chat rooms. Links
to Web sites promoting therapy treatments are not permitted in visitor
profiles or chat.
- Promotional materials and solicitations many not be transmitted to
visitors unless officially sanctioned by TheDoghouse.org.
- If you have questions about the Chat guidelines, or need to
report a violation, please contact us.