Duty There is a tremendous need to serve, the sense of duty that you have towards your Master. Without doubt he IS special.
Place in life For a slave it is important to 'dress right', in a "this is what i am" way, just as it is to express himself to his Master.
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Slaves realization Experience
dare to be sub - coming out of the slave closet!
Life Changes
During your existence as a slave, you will encounter moments in which you experience yourself at your best, at your perfection as the perfect slave, you will in that instance clearly imagine and ever greater perfection to
fulfil... slavery is with out end.
This voyage of creation is never ending, you recreating yourself, and the more you are the more you can yet become, and the more there is yet to be. It is like there is nothing else your soul wants to do, than express its nature. We so often live in a 'bad fitting suit' that we call life. It does not have to be that way.
So what's wrong with being a slave ? Can it be that some how you have lost status ? | | 
Under foot That secure feeling being under your Owners boots, just knowing that they are there, that symbol of authority, enough to bring a contented smile to any face. |