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| ![]() | ![]() One evening whereas I was désoeuvré, I was surfing on the Web in the search of an unspecified fantasy. I rather sought a transformation of man into a woman, but I fell upon site www.thedoghouse.org. Interested, I read the stories (stories) and put to me to dream. Here how were born this history. I go the practice of pianoter on the Web, in the search of new experiment; I am indeed of rather intellectual nature. Any transformation is erotic even more for me... I then put myself to think of transformations man-dog. During a few months I squatted cats until the days when I fell on an avid Net surfer from experiment. I exposed my imagination then to him, i.e. the transformation of a state into another. It say to me that there are grounds for reflection
We discussed a few days and finally it proposed an appointment to me. After some reflection ;, I accepted. With the date agreed upon, I thus presented myself, and at once he says to me to be put at knees, this quy I made at once. He benefited from it then to put a collar to me. I was not finally surprised! He took along me at once to the kitchen and ordered to me to kneel. In front of me there was a disk pack filled of puffs out for dog. It says to me then: " Eats ". I leaned then and started to eat... with dislike... I ate however... obeying my new Master. Having finished, and having seen my obedience, he says to me at the time: " Ok, one continues ". I smelled then around my blow two hands putting a collar of dog to me. Then I included/understood. I was on the process of chiennisation. The following stage was even more radical. It asked me:' brutally want you to be my dog? ". After reflexion, I say " yes ". It answered me then: " are OK', you sure? ". I answered: " yes ". It was diverted ego then, went towards a small office, opened a drawer, and of of come out a plate. It say to me: " this is the plate of identity of my last bitch; you will carry it from now on ". It approached me then, and hung it to my collar. It say to me then ": " hello, Rka... You are from now on my bitch. Not only you will be my dog, but you will be especially my bitch. As of tomorrow, the first transformations will start. First of all you will have to sign these documents ". It presented the documen to me, ts in question; I read them; and signed without really wanting to include/understand them. It was my loss!!!! Once signed, it attached one to me leaves and led me in the veterinary surgeon. There, the veterinary surgeon, his NS to put question, vaccinated me against the rage and other diseases. He taken then an instrument, turned over me the lip and then tattooed me the interior of the lip. I was from now on a dog. Then it slipped a tube into my throat and injected a liquid. Consequently I pus to emit only one understandable sound. I was from now on different thing that human. It shaved me then all the body including cranium, and y put a liquid. I known later, than that prevented pushes back it hairs. I E found bald person completely. From now on, says to me he, I will carry this; moreover I will have to always be with four legs, and never again upright. To confirm this, I went a few week later at one of his friends doctor surgeon who after me to have anaesthetized, transformed me the members. With my alarm clock, I found myself the four of the same members cuts so that I was to hold me with four legs!!! Henceforth, I was not any more one man!!! He brought back for me at his place, attached me to a chain outside in his garden and for four years now I have been his watchdog, nourishing me of food for dog, making my needs like a dog, barking with each strange noise, etc... forever...
Un soir alors que j’étais désœuvré, je surfai sur le web à la recherche d’une fantasme quelconque. Je je sentis alors autour de mon coup deux mains me mettant un collier de chien. Alors je compris. J’étais sur le Désormais, me dit il, je porterai ceci ; de plus je devrai toujours être à quatre pattes, et jamais plus debout. Pour confirmer ceci, j’allai quelques semaine plus tard chez un de ses amis médecin chirurgien qui après m’avoir anesthésié, me transforma les membres. A mon réveil, je me retrouvai les quatre membres de même taille de telle sorte que je devais me tenir à quatre pattes !!!
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