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The Product

*  Ultra Hair away





Anyone who has ever shaved themselves for the body beautiful will know that it has one drawback - no soon have you shaved does it come back again in no time. When it comes back you often can get spots or a rash. This is where products like Ultra-Hairaway can help. This is a spray on lotion (permeates the skin quickly and evenly without residue) that actually STOPS hair growth. you just spray on and massage after shaving your boy.

Its site specific so its fine for the pubic area of you boy and his Pits or if he is a muscle guy then he can show off the definition of his body with perfection.

The product is 100% organic so no dodgy chems are there. Whilst being totally safe, the only drawback is that it is also Totally painless, so you will have to think of some other way to warm his smooth butt.


Use  ^


  • About 4 weeks. Thick course hair takes slightly longer, finer hair less time. Once the hair no longer grows back the Ultra Hair Away is used only occasionally to maintain the look. In fact, Ultra Hair Away actually works faster than this but it also has to deal with dormant hairs. Ultra Hair Away must wait for them to grow before they become inhibited too. (One third of hair is in the dormant stage.)
  • 1 bottle will last as follows: SMALL AREAS: Face/Upper Lip 7 to 8 weeks. MEDIUM AREAS: Either back or both legs or chest - 3 weeks. LARGE AREA: Entire Body - 1 week
  • Man or woman, coarse or fine hair, it works the same on all areas. Chest, back, shoulders, forearms, legs......a woman's bikini line or upper lip! It only effects the area you choose.
  • When used as directed, Ultra Hair Away should cause no skin irritation, even on delicate surfaces. Eye irritation is also unlikely. If Ultra Hair Away enters the eyes, gently flush them with warm water.
  • Ultra Hair Away actually has a conditioning effect, protecting the skin from dryness. Even people with a history of acne have reported loving this formula!
Product Characteristics  ^

  • Excellent dispersibility
  • Non-Alcoholic
  • Low aroma profile
  • Insensitive to temperature changes
  • No colouring agents
  • Site specific
  • Skin moisturizing
  • Non-perfumed formula
  • Fast drying
  • Non-staining

Cost  ^

Please call Ultra Hair Away on +44 (0) 20 8930 3751
to place a credit card order by phone or write to:
Ultra Hair Away, PO Box 444, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3ND, UK

Limited time special promotion price in UK funds is £19.95 (RRP £26.95) per bottle + £1.50 postage & packaging in the U.K. £2.50 for other European countries.

Delivery within a maximum of 14 days. However, we endeavour to deliver products as soon as we possibly can. This can be as little as a few days, but is dependent on the volume of orders we are processing.


An  Original site Last changed on:  31 May 2002 13:36 +0100