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By Mike McDade

So, you think you want to be a slave?

Whether or not to become a slave is probably the most important decision you will ever make, and it will probably be one of the most difficult. If you are truly meant to be slave, and don't pursue becoming one, you risk living unfulfilled, denying your destiny, and living with the "hole" in your life that keeps telling you that something is missing. If you decide to become slave, then you must go through the arduous, challenging task of giving up your ego, abandoning being human, and accepting every experience necessary to become that which you are meant to be.
Either way, a difficult decision. There is no easy route, nor alternative.

You must be convinced that being a slave is the very best thing you can do with your life. This process will replace who you are now. Becoming a slave requires a devoted commitment to the truth. All slaves are human before being BORN. Most of the experiences required to become a slave, you cannot even imagine now, as a human. You cannot become a slave out of desperation, or out of a lack of other choices. Every day, all the way through the process, you must know that you are doing the very best possible with your life. Slavery cannot be a second choice, it must be your first choice.

This is not like arranging a trip to Disneyland. This isn't entertainment. This isn't for play. It is a very serious process, and a serious commitment. This will define who you are, how you act, how you live, and what you do, for the rest of your life. The process develops through sessions that give you the chance to become informed about what that means, and time to incrementally accept and adjust to what is being learned. Ultimately, you must be made to accept absolute obedience, without the possibility of questioning your SlaveMaster, in any area, no matter how small, forever. Submitting to each step of the processes that will make you a BORN slave will be the last decision you will ever have the right to make.

A slave cannot decide to become a slave; he can only decide to go through the processes that make him a slave. If a slave could decide to be a slave, he could just as easily decide not to be. This is a real process, that results in real slavery, with the same, real, lack of control and decision making that characterises slavery. This is not an agreement, this is not a legal issue, not a contract. This is a planned process. It develops an animal that cannot live in any other way, but in absolute obedience to one man, for whom he lives his life, and whose life he lives.

A slave is a special creature of the universe. he is marked with a calling to do what humans cannot. he is developed, strengthened, empowered, given structure, fabric, and timbre that makes him immutable, solid in his self identity and self esteem. Complete obedience is the price of admission. Any less, and a man remains too weak to be slave. he must also experience everything necessary to know what a slave must know to live as slave, before being BORN to slavery. BORN slaves are qualified to be slaves, and know they're qualified.

Becoming a slave requires a tremendous amount of effort and time, both for the slave and for his SlaveMaster. For those who are geographically separated, there is also the expense of travel. There is an emotional and psychological cost that comes from being exposed to a strong, single truth. All of life's issues, focused and placed before the slave must all be dealt with. There is no escape, and nothing goes away, it is only postponed at best. There is no way to cheat the process, and no short cuts. Regardless of experience, no one has a head start. Absolute honesty is a slave's creed, and is critical to beginning the relationship with your potential, permanent Owner, your SlaveMaster. Too much is at stake to be dishonest, and the process uncovers every truth, even those invisible to you now. It is futile even to hope that any dishonesty can succeed.

There are two elements that test the mettle of a man who wants to be a slave, each of which must be examined. The first is whether or not the "seed" of slave is inside, waiting to be developed and BORN. The second is whether or not you have the courage and strength to pursue and live the lifestyle of a slave. You will be asked to invest everything you are in becoming a slave. You must know that it has value, or there is no motivation to go through the lengthy, involving processes that makes you slave.

To answer whether or not a man is meant to be a BORN slave, you have either already been asked, or are now asked to write down why you want to be a slave, and why you think you were meant to be. What characteristics and interests tell you that it's right? Taking the time to examine how you feel about slavery, the self image, and why it's right, will provide a basis from which we can reach some good conclusions. It's used to minimise the error in deciding whether you should begin training into your final lifestyle. Trial and error is not a good method for this.

The second question is one of courage and strength. It has been said, "The good things in life are the mortal enemies of the best things in life." When things are going well, when we feel a certain confidence about our lives, and that "little hole" that seems to be annoying us is the only distraction we have, it is hard to make a life-changing decision. If things aren't going well, then we question if we are pursuing slavery out of desperation, for a lack of alternatives. Are you willing to make a change, to invest the necessary effort in something that is so permanent and long-lasting? Is it ultimately worth risking everything you are now, for an unknown self identity, particularly when you know that society in general, most of the gay community, and much of the leather community looks with disdain and criticism at slaves?

Enclosed are a list of principles that are natural for a slave, and that need to become natural for a human trainee to prepare him for his slavery. These principles are in effect whenever a trainee is in My presence, no matter what the circumstances, or the amount of time. The principles partially define the reality of slavery. They will apply for the rest of your life, not just when you feel like it, or when it appeals erotically, but always, and by another's choice. Understand what they imply in terms of the control and the reality of not having choices. Note your honest reaction. These principles will not be negotiated, nor ignored. You cannot become slave without earnestly embracing all of them, exactly as described, in addition to every order you will ever be given. It is because of the nature of slavery that they are important, not because they have arbitrarily been deemed important. If the principles are compromised, the cost is failure to produce BORN slavery, a waste of your time and Mine.

The ultimate result of the training process is that a man does become slave. It isn't an option. It isn't something that you decide will happen. It happens, inevitably, so long as you continue through the sessions which produce slavery. My commitment, however, to a BORN slave, is for life. If a man goes through all the processes that make him slave, he becomes slave and creates for Me a commitment that will never end.

If a potential slave cannot accept and plan to adhere to the principles by which he will live his life in slavery, he isn't ready, he has far too little commitment to the only process that I know that produces real slavery in today's society. There will be a lot experienced during the process that will demand even stronger commitment. A slave commits, in time, to only one session at a time, with the option to end between every session. It is impossible to become true slave without the willingness to co-operate in the process, to agree to the training. Living in the environment described, is a part of that training. Without a strong level of commitment to the process, a man only fights it all the way along. With such foot-dragging reluctance, if the simple basics cause a problem, it is a waste of time for a man to begin.

Spend the time necessary to describe accurately, the way you feel about slavery, why you want to be slave, what that means to you, and why you think you must become slave. Regardless of how strongly you feel, slavery cannot be created. It can only be discovered and developed. There is no reason to try to convince yourself that you are meant to be slave, if you are not. Understand the principles, understand your reaction to them, then record your feelings.

My first responsibility is to help you determine if you are meant to be slave. Next, to provide the training necessary to confirm that, and provide BORN slavery. Then, finally, to manage your life for the rest of your life. I, therefore, consider it important that all your questions and concerns are answered, so we can make the best possible decision about what to do. Become informed about what I believe.
Metropolitan slave magazine has published both "SLAVES ARE BORN TO SLAVERY" and
"DIPPED IN THE YELLOW DYE" (http://www.BornSlaves.com/Dipped.htm).
Together, they discuss the basics of true slavery. Let Me know if you don't have access to those articles, and I'll send you reprints.

My very best to you in this very serious pursuit.
The world needs slaves, and I hope that you're qualified to satisfy that urgent need.
The value of My life depends on your successful slavery, in truth. SLAVEMASTER'S
