Toilet Training
Piss Training |  | The style of housebreaking chosen depends very much on preference, as some are not into this particular aspect of play. The most common, sanitary, and easiest method so far is to teach the pup to urinate from all fours either over the toilet or a bath tub. Taking a dump can be difficult with hands locked in padded fist mitts unless the handler can bear wiping the dog himself or leaving his ass like that afterward. Even if the animal is permitted his hands when defecating, he should still be on all fours throughout the process, butt appropriately dipping his rump so as to avoid a mess.Paper training is the next most common thing. In this arrangement, the dog has access to a pile of newspapers to do its business. I recommend placing an unfolded trash bag or other similar plastic item beneath the papers in order to keep the floor clean. Wiping is obviously not an issue if you've gotten to this point. The ultimate if you have both the space and the privacy is to walk your dog outside. In this way he can carry out his duties in a manner he is more naturally accustomed to. It can also be a good idea to make him use the same spot (a tree or bush) repeatedly in order to facilitate cleanup. In any and all of the above scenarios, severe and appropriate correction must be issued when the dog fails to follow proper toilet procedures. The most effective way to get the point across is usually to shove his nose in it and rap him on the ass a few times while you berate him for what he's done. Another simple solution is to use an enclosed chastity device in combination with a plug so that he has to beg each time he needs to go. This will both show the animal its place and allow you more direct control of its toilet functions. Donator: man_pup@hotmail.com |