Some History ^  As prisons became over crowded with an over occupancy of 5 to one, and the cost of holding a prisoner was over £22k a year, other solutions were a high priority. Like the USA the UK is a 'lets lock them up' culture (though we don't have the same "fry them" lust as in some US states. In contrast to the western European stance of 'political correctness' where by killers get a few years in prison. The modernisation of the UK criminal justice system attempts to compromise with the common European standard (as enforced by the common human rights law) the notion was to empty the prisons of people that should not really be there the mentally ill ( at least we don't electrocute them, George) and others that are no threat to society. It has been shown that if you are in prison for more than 3 months you often loose your home, when you come out there is little support, you are homeless, jobless and still a burden to society - just a different department. What if all of this could be avoided, how do you 'punish' people without making the social problem worst? Sending someone to prison generally just makes them better criminals as they are in a criminal Higher Education Academy (jail), they are toughed up (usually in the shower room) so their next crime will have enhanced violence - as this is part of the training at the Academy. Politicians like pander to the lowest common denominator in their constituents - You know they are liars but which is least bad? During hard times it is very handy to bring out a distraction such as 'Crime and Punishment' to deflect attention form the real issues, and sadly 'the public' are easy puppets to manipulate, especially with a PR machine that you have paid for in your Taxes (well it is for your own good, isnt it). Then one day someone finally twigs that there are only so many prisons you can build, that the cost is ever increasing and the 'problem is not being fixed as expected. Often it is usually the accountants more than the social workers raise the problem. Since you cannot execute people and sell them as dog food other options had to be found. House Arrest ^  One solution is to bond to the subject an large transponder (about the size of a electro trainer collar) that was aware that it was connected to the host and reported its position as it connected with the the mobile phone Cellular Network. This would show if the person had broken the conditions of their release , would allow him to live a normal life. The benefit of this is that you don't train criminals, you don't have a big bill, and the prison is there for those that are a danger to the community or need to be De-Toxed off of drugs to address the Addiction-Crime trap.  <high horse>
This being my only concern with some drug taking - whose in control you or the drug - what happens when you have not the money for more, what happens when your life goes down the pan? On the other hand how many layers and other professionals smoke dope? Why is there such a big demand for nicotine patches for people desperate to get off of that. What about the violence associated with Alcohol, yes I have seen the crazed violence of people of Dope and E's - "I really love you Man". Oh I forgot we raise lots of TAX from Nicotine & Alcohol, and of course there is the 'lobby' that these people have with Government. How different life would be if Imperial Tobacco sold Cannabis & Menthol cigarettes or if Coke Cola still had cocaine in it. Again so much hypocrisy. </high horse> What Transponder? ^  There are a number of transponder to explore some are readily available some are a bit harder to get.
Invisible boundariesSome are on common use for dogs already, this is where they give a warning on the approach to an 'invisible boundary' and shocks as you get too close. The mutt soon learns where he can and cannot go. Slave LocationThis has the benefit of allow you to identify where exactly you slave it. Bit costly. Slave PagerThis is a nice touch as it it a mixture of a a regular pager that you can phone that triggers a electro shock trainer - You need only call the slave and he will have to call you right back to stop the pain. Lets hope the batteries are not flat in his mobile. Only snag is that SMS messages get through in poor reception areas unlike a voice call. |