Home » The Dog House » Members » Care and Training » Training of the male slave » Feeding your dog slave » Dog Food » Dogfood review » Dogfood Canned/Tinned | Dog Food out of the Can | 
| - Canned dog food
- There are many varieties of canned dog food around for your dog to choose from. The choice of feeding can be chosen from the human list (Meat pie filling, otherwise it looks the same when cold out of the can), through to cheap brands form your local pet store. It can often send a great buzz through the slave to send him out to bring back a can that he chose (he though spending lots of money on the brand would make it taste better). The buzz is much like the first time he went into the pet store with his Master and the Master made him try the dog dish for size in the store.
- The dog foods reviewed in this section have been submitted by a number of slave members of the club, so the brands are local to the countries tested.
Allowing them to share their experiences helps other slaves over-come the fear that they might die form eating dog food, or have 'the shits'. It is fair to say that real dog food is normally much richer than human food, this might affect some slave with a weak stomach. To make you own review click here!
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Tinned food : Pedigree Chum June 98,UK- This is only a short piece as i am not exactly a connoisseur of two different kinds of dog food and this is how I got to try them in the first place. To be honest then i have only tasted 2 types of the dry variety. I don't know how many others have thought about this but i know that when i first was told by my Mistress ( Mistress Alexis ) to buy some then the idea repulsed me. I must admit though that it was a great feeling when i went into the pet store and even just looking at the different types sent a wave of adrenaline over me.
'Biscut' - Of Mistress Alexis
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