- > HELLO Sir
> i am dogslave tommy i am 32 years old and my Mistress Sallie needs some advice please. > i just became her dogslave this past Tuesday. > what's best type of food n drink for her dog. so far i ate dog chow, water, her piss.. > > talk later Sir from dog slave tommy
Top Dog Replies... ^

Well it is good that she is starting you off right with Her piss. When every you refer to your Mistress always use CAPITALS, Owners are far superior to a lowly slave such as yourself, and if she knew I am sure She would punish you soundly. You will have to know the taste of your piss, and I imaging that she will have you sleeping one night with you bladder full, bound, attached to you piss feeding gag is your cock sheath so you recycle over night. As for dog food. Start off with the soft mixer food. Also real canned dog food, has to be good quality stuff (if you have a good boy), the cheaper stuff can have less good stuff in it (when you have been bad). Dogs diets are usually much richer than humans, so you may have the shits if you cannot handle rich food. You Mistress may choose to mix it with a human wheat breakfast cereal. This is good.
Usually the Owner has to stand over the dog with a Riding Crop to keep encouraging the slave to feed well. Better have smaller meals as genetic dogs have one meal a day. Many Owners choose to do this with their dogs, to keep them leaner. As no Owner wants a flabby dog. It also keeps the slaves mind focused. From a weight control point of view - If the average man was given one meal a day of 2000 calories, that that meal was in the morning, he would loose weight, if it was in the evening, he would gain weight. Humans are not good at having their eating patterns messed around with and stomach acid can well up in anticipation of the meal that never shows, in some people this helps them get the stomach ulcers. So your Owner should change your routine slowly. Giving you snacks when you would have had your meals, and given you your main meal at the chosen time morning or evening. In the beginning, it would not hurt to have your stomach lined (cereal, /cream of oats) so that you can better cope with real dog food, piss, shit etc.
You should never forget your position and how honoured you are in getting your Owners waste. I am sure that your Owner will also require you to eat up your cum when you are allowed to shoot, if you are not kept in a chastity device, and that when you cum you have learnt to hump and rub your doggy cock like a real dog to cum. Your Owner will need to cut back of the coffee, as it can be hard to take even by the most well trained slave, and drinking plenty of water helps. You should only drink water or piss.