Home » The Dog House » Members » Care and Training of the Male Slave » Training of the male slave » Bad Dog » CP » Canes and Crops | | Canes and Crops | 

xxx | | - This section covers the use of various types of canes and riding crops.
The cane. - The cane is an excellent instrument for use in administering corporal punishment. A cane cane be made from rattan or bamboo and is normally 30 - 36 inches in length and comes in various diameters ranging from 1/4 to 3/4 inch.
Some "Classic" canes have a crook at the end so that they may be hung, this is the typical British 'School Master' and seems to be the only one favoured in 'School day' CP role play scenes. Other canes are straight with a cork or leather handle, sometimes with a thong for hanging. - The Crop.
- Typically bought from pets shops for a tenth of the price that you pay in a sex shop. These vary, but typically they have a glass-fibre rod on the inside, with black nylon webbing on the outside. Commonly with a leather or rubber handle and the tip either has a loop of leather or for a dressage whip is longer with a short length of cord for extra sting, The Dressage crop is more of a whip and can leave significant cuts if used to excess.
|  | In some countries the Rattan is still used as a form of correction. This example has a prisoner being tied to a frame where as in Saudi the "religious police" gather around you as you lay on the floor and the gang whip you. In these countries their implementation of it differs, where Britain had any influence (in the colonial past) it is quite likely to be formalized and neutral in other brutal. In an SM scene some of the qualities of these events would be reconstructed and those that have taken CP into an art form will have a wide selection of canes, whips, floggers, tawses and if possible replicas of the real ones. | A Rattan cane is extremely flexible and can be carried in a briefcase, large bag, or kept in a desk drawer, this is not the same with the harder bamboo cane. When a rattan is taken out, the cane will slowly resume its normal shape. A good cane will last for years and not dry out like a willow or birch switch. To increase the performance of the cane soaking it in water will make it far more flexible and further increase its effectiveness. The cane is a relatively quiet instrument (the recipient may be another story) as compared to a paddle or leather strap thus making it ideal for use where the sounds of punishment being administered may be overheard. How?A caning should always be administered on bared buttocks! These are benefits to both. On the naked ass you can see the effect of what you are doing more precisely. There is nothing to take the sting out of what you are doing, you can place the blows, line by line, not repeating yourself and yet cover his pretty ass, ir hits the same spot over and over. On the other hand, beating a guy through his leathers will take the sting out, so you can break him in better, some slaves get off on the thud as the sting turns them off. I happen to like beating an guys ass when he is in soft 501s (for a Skinhead) or with his presenting the target zones, much like the picture above. Typically the sadist would enjoy seeing the welts develop on a naked ass. Canning a wet ass increases the sting value.
Preparation!You must ensure sufficient space is available to allow you to swing the cane without striking another object or unintended recipient. Good wrist action is important in applying the cane due to kinetic energy build up caused by the cane's flexibility. If the tip of the cane does not make direct contact with the victim, it will wrap around and snap into the victim. Accordingly, care should be exercised to ensure the tip is landing within the target area.
Target AreasNormally the target area includes the buttocks and upper thighs. The cane can be extremely effective when striking the cleft between the lower portion of the buttocks and upper thighs. When the cane is applied with proper force, a white raised welt will form immediately on the buttocks of the victim, this welt will redden within 30 to 45 seconds. | 
| When you are training a slave you will need to get a crop so that you are able to correct erroneous behaviour. This allows the slave to develop and be a good slave for you, which is so important to him. Don't think of beating him as bad, as it is needed if he is bad. You only need one or maybe 2 slaps at most to remind him (and his subconscious) of what is required. You not need to go crazy, just impose a consistent patter of the required behaviour on his for him to learn. You can use the crop also for erotic beating which is covered later | Techniques ^
Unlike most instruments of corporal punishment, the pain felt by the victim intensifies in the 30 to 45 seconds immediately following each stroke. Because of this, it is best to delay between strokes, to allow for the full impact of the previous stroke to be felt.
After a period of time and depending upon the force used, the welts will deepen in colour and become bruises. These bruises will normally go away in a week or so. If markings are a problem, use of lighter force will still be painful, but not bruise. A well caned bottom will show a series of parallel lines from the buttocks to the upper thighs. If you strike a previous welt, a diamond shaped bruise will form at the point where the lines intersect. Care should be exercised as striking a previous welt may cause blood blisters and breaking of the skin. If you should break the skin, the cane should never be used on anyone other than the person whose skin was broken.
The person being caned may be asked to bend over and grab their ankles or touch their toes, but normally they are bent over an object such as a bed, back of a straight chair, couch, or a desk. Frequently, the hands and feet of the victim require restraint. A horse or the whipping block referred to in English literature is ideal for this.
The whipping block has a padded bench which the victim kneels in front of and lies across. There are normally restraints for the wrists, sometimes a strap to fasten over the back of the victim, and restraint for the legs or feet. Sometimes they actually have stocks. You may require the victim to spread their legs, or they may kneel with them together. The block is usually slightly elevated to allow an uppercut type stroke into the cleft between the buttocks and thighs.
Traditional English folklore indicates that strokes of the cane are to be administered in groups of 6 with 24 being maximum (this assumes a forceful caning, more strokes may be applied if using less force). In cases of severe disobedience, sometimes the 24 stroke maximum is exceeded. | |  | An Original site |