To my mind a horny little dog has to learn to cum like the animal he is.
One example is to have him rubbing his sorry little doggy cock
against Masters shiny boots, equally knowing he will have the chore later to lick his dirty cum off and make the boots shine again.
Just like a real dog the dog hold something close to him to get him excited and it helps knowing that if he is to cum this is the only way he is allowed to do it. For dogs that are 'cut' their
natural lube will soak into the leather so you may need to supplement with KY etc.
You might want to extend his chastity training so
cumming is a real treat. Also vitamin supplements such as Zinc will
boost his cum volume and flavour as will some foods such things are
covered in
Dog Supplements.
Most master would want
to see their dogs produce high quality cum in a good volume, even if the
Master does not let the dog cum much. It is more likely that the pup is
more concerned about drinking the Master dry of cum. Some slaves into
humiliation should not be given this advantage as as it is more
enjoyable to see their pathetic attempts to jerk off and frustrate their
attempts at a satisfying orgasm. |