THIS AGREEMENT OF SERVITUDE (hereinafter referred to as "AGREEMENT") is made and entered into this as signed, dated and witnessed below, by and between.
MASTER (hereinafter referred to as "MASTER" and
(hereinafter referred to as dog).
WHEREAS, dog wishes to forego the exercise of his ego, and to open himself for the use and service of MASTER as more particularly described herein;
WHEREAS, dog wishes to relinquish to MASTER all rights and identity which he previously enjoyed as a free man, except as specified below;
WHEREAS, dog wishes to be trained for the use and service of MASTER in order that he may receive favor from MASTER and whatever emotional satisfaction such depths of submission and devotion may bring;
WHEREAS, MASTER acknowledges the inferior station of dog and the pleas borne of dog's former free will, and
WHEREAS, MASTER wishes to take possession of slave, assuming beneficial enjoyment in said possession.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, terms and conditions contained herein, MASTER and his dog do hereby agree to as follows.
I. Transfer of dog
Effective on arrival, and signed dated and witnessed below, dog shall freely and willingly relinquish all rights and privileges now or hereafter accruing and which an adult male is otherwise entitled to MASTER, including his body, his mind, and his name. Dog shall be bound to serve, in complete dedication of body and mind, according to the terms of this Agreement, as his free act, dedicating himself to MASTER, whether for MASTER's pleasure, economic welfare, and amusement, or to relieve MASTER from the burdens of the menial.
dog shall continue in complete servitude until MASTER ever emancipates him. dog shall demonstrate his gratitude in a manner appropriately indicating that only his owner is deserving.
dog shall be given a name suitable to MASTER, and will respond when called by that name.
dog shall be given collar, with identifying tag, listing MASTER as OWNER of dog.
MASTER shall make sure dog will be given his vaccinations, and will wear the appropriate tag on the collar, documenting the receiving of those vaccinations.
- MASTER's Possession
Upon signing this agreement, MASTER shall obtain full right and title to dog to use in whatever manner or for any purpose he may decide for the duration of this agreement. dog has surrendered completely to MASTER's will and control: MASTER's judgment of dog's mental and physical status and limits shall prevail, and He shall at all times have the right to expect dog's honor, loyalty, and attention without regard to any self -interest. dog is considered owned, and the personal property of MASTER when this contract is signed, dated and witnessed.
- Safety
No physical harm which shall require the attention of anyone outside the relationship shall be done to dog. MASTER stipulates there will be no punishment/training resulting in the flow of blood. All efforts will be made to assure that there will be no exposure to the Aids virus. MASTER has the authority to demand blood testing for the Aids Virus. MASTER also has the authority to restrict contact with dog, any known carrier of the Virus.
- dog Duties and Orders
dog shall at all times:
keep his body available for the use of MASTER, groom and clean it as Trained, and facilitate access as Ordered.
keep his mind concentrated solely upon the service of MASTER.
demonstrate acceptance of his role of service and availability by absolute obedience and commitment to MASTER and especially to his amusement, entertainment, pleasure, and freedom from tasks of a menial or degrading nature.
address MASTER as "Sir" , other salutation as assigned, or to bark like the dog he is, at all times unless given orders to do otherwise, and shall address MASTER with respect at all times.
if permitted to speak, to respectfully request permission to take any action not expressly directed by MASTER. A reason must be given for such actions at the time of the request. if dog is forbidden human speech, then no permission will be asked for nor granted.
use MASTER's space with utmost respect and shall always leave any are he is permitted to use in a state of order and cleanliness. Notwithstanding, dog shall not disturb any of MASTER's personal belongings.
own nothing. all things brought with dog on transfer to MASTER, automatically becomes the property of MASTER.
wear no body coverings in MASTER's presence except as directed by MASTER.
be obligated severely in wearing the tail, given him by MASTER
be used to the idea that sleeping quarters may include a cage or kennel; may be on the floor next to MASTER's bed; or at MASTER's sole discretion in bed with MASTER ordered.
use no furniture in MASTER's space unless given specific instructions and permission to do so.
"Free Periods"
MASTER may give dog "free periods" in his presence, during which dog may express himself openly and freely. There will be no Punishments applied during "free periods." It is understood, however, that the General Rules and Orders are not suspended during the "free periods," and dog may be subsequently punished for infractions of the Rules. When "free period" is over, dog shall resume demeanor commanded prior to "free period."
Public Conduct Orders
The following orders apply to public conduct of dog should MASTER choose to have
dog accompany him in a public place. dog must be acutely conscious that his behavior will reflect more upon MASTER than upon him, and that strict adherence to following rules is therefore extremely important. Punishment for violation of any of these rules will be extreme and swift.
Conduct Modes
conduct modes outlined below. MASTER will from time to time indicate which mode dog shall act within by stating the name of the mode to dog; the mode may change at any time, depending on circumstances, and dog must always be aware and conscious of MASTER's wishes. MASTER may additionally institute a set of silent (or otherwise unobtrusive) signals to notify dog of his current conduct mode.
Private Mode
In Private mode, dog is bound solely by the rules listed above and no additional restrictions are imposed upon dog's conduct save those stated by MASTER. This mode will normally (although not always) be in effect when MASTER and dog are in MASTER's space, or in the space of a knowledgeable and/or sympathetic person or persons.
Friendly Mode
Friendly mode will usually be in effect in public places such as leather bars, where the dress, demeanor and appearance of MASTER and dog and the nature of their relationship will be understood for what they are and held sympathetically (or, at least, not antagonistically) by casual onlookers.
The following specific rules shall apply to dog's conduct and demeanor while in Friendly mode:
Stationary Position: dog shall remain at MASTER's side at all times unless specifically instructed otherwise. dog will remain on all fours unless otherwise commanded. While MASTER and dog are standing in one place, dog shall maintain a physical position tot he left of and one-half step behind MASTER.
Moving Position: IF MASTER begins to move from one place to another, dog shall position himself to the left and slightly behind MASTER and move at the same speed as MASTER. dog position shall be such that he is always within the limit of MASTER's peripheral vision at all times. Under no circumstances shall dog be in front of MASTER.
Elevation: dog shall remain on all fours unless otherwise ordered. dog's eye level is below that of MASTER's. Should dog be in the upright position, Should MASTER move so that his eye level is below that of dog. dog shall immediately move so as to correct this imbalance. permission to do so, and dog shall therefore go to his knees or on all fours, should MASTER's eye level drop below dog.
Interactions With Others: dog shall speak or bark to no one at any time unless first instructed by MASTER. Absent MASTER's specific instructions to the contrary, dog's sole response to conversational attempts by others shall be confined to the statement, "I am sorry, but I am not free to speak. Please speak to my MASTER," and to indicate who MASTER is to be the person speaking to him. In addition dog shall have no physical contact with any other person unless such contact is unavoidable, or such contact is ordered by MASTER. dog shall treat all persons with deference and respect, regardless of their demeanor or appearance.
The one exception to this rule shall apply in the case of persons who, in dog's judgment, behaves in such a manner as to indicate that they do not respect the relationship between MASTER and dog or their essential person-hood (e.g.: drunks); in such situations, dog is authorized to take whatever actions dog deems necessary to terminate contact with such persons. MASTER is free, in his judgment, to override dog's decision in such matters and to punish dog for misbehavior. However, MASTER will not tolerate anyone "mashing," "gay bashing or otherwise molesting dog, and will step to dog's defense if need be.
MASTER may, at his discretion, grant dog free time. During "Free time,"
dog is free to interact normally with MASTER and with MASTER's and slave's acquaintances, including physical contact. dog shall make frequent eye contact with MASTER and be prepared to rejoin MASTER immediately if MASTER directs.
Public Mode
Public mode will generally apply in contexts where MASTER/dog relationships may not be accepted or understood by those present The following rules are, therefore, intended more to ensure the physical safety of Master and dog, rather than to further the relationship between them. The following specific rules shall apply to dog's behavior in Public mode:
General Demeanor: dog shall conduct himself at all times in such a manner as to not call attention to MASTER and dog.
Rules prohibiting dog's use of furniture and prohibiting slave from being clothed in MASTER's presence are suspended while in Public mode.
Movement and Position: The movement and position rules set forth in Friendly mode also apply to Public mode, with the provision that dog shall not make his adherence to said rules obvious: casual and relatively loose (but definite!), rather than quick and snappy, conformance to the rules is called for in such situations.
Interactions With Others: dog shall speak only in a manner dictated by MASTER when spoken to by others and shall converse with others only with MASTER's permission. If dog is approached by a member of the straight public, dog shall behave in strictly formal and "correct" manner and limit his speech to those words and phrases absolutely necessary to communicate in a non-offensive manner, and he will refer any questions regarding the nature of the relationship between MASTER and dog to MASTER, calling MASTER by his name rather than referring to him as "MASTER" (dog may expect that MASTER will intervene quickly should such a situation arise). Forbidden human speech, and only dog sounds e.g. barking, yipping, whining, may be suspended at MASTER's discretion for a time and fully resumed at the end of the contact with others.
- Infractions
dog is to expect PUNISHMENT for all INFRACTIONS of both the letter and spirit of this Contract. The form and extent of Punishment shall be at MASTER's pleasure, and MASTER shall make it clear to dog that he is being punished when Punishment occurs. dog shall always thankfully accept Punishment as an opportunity to expand in the service of MASTER. dog freely consents to all the above terms and conditions, that said contract shall be in effect immediately upon affixing signature to this AGREEMENT, and that MASTER may suspend but never revoke this agreement at any time.
At the sole discretion of MASTER, this contract and entitlement to dog as personal property, may be given freely, or purchased to any Master should this be MASTER's wish. dog shall have no recourse in this transaction, but become the property and be taken by that MASTER acquiring dog. dog shall not question MASTER's decision. dog shall not rebel if this decision is made. New MASTER/OWNER of dog shall take possession of dog upon signature and date as addition to this contract below.
Signed and dated :
dog signature: dog name given by this master: _____________
Acquiring MASTER