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Chat uses a lot of command lines to perform its functions. When you want to enter a command, the very first character in the edit box must be a slash '/' followed by the command word. There is no space between the '/' prefix and the command word. This tutorial will cover the commands you may be likely to use at the command line.


Command Description
/help If you’ve forgotten how to do something, the /help command will show you a concise list of the most frequently used commands.
If the discussion gets too long, you can clear the screen by typing /clear.
Avatars are small graphical images that are displayed by your username in the Kennels. You can select the image that best describes yourself by typing /avatars.
 /msg DisplayName
The /msg command will send a private message to the person named which no others in the room can see.
/msg Robert
/invite DisplayName
Invite another to join the private window; Only can be used in the private window.
/invite Jim
These can only be used by the Kennel administrators.
Open the administration windows.
/admin kick DisplayName Kicks a member out of the room!
/admin setpassword NewPassword Set a password on the room.
/admin setpassword Remove a room password.