
They often tend to say 'i
am totally passive and submissive, with a true dog nature',
this nature including a life simplicity, being cared for, being
controlled, naturally being loyal and committed.
Their sexual interests would include the from the SM world
elements like Prolonged and Effective bondage, Verbal (from
talking him into a mind space to verbal abuse).
He needs to be controlled - held on a tight leash.
He is not self ashamed, and is quite happy in his role, he only
feels bad when he has no Master, a stray.
The slave often responds well to the Masters touch, licking his
Masters hands, eating from then, feeling his strength through
them etc. Play around the neck, stroking of the (cropped) head,
would get a favourable reaction from the dog. He is often apt to
show signs of nuzzling you, pushing his face into you (leather
jeans help:) if you place your hand on the back of his neck/head
and hold him there, he will be happier.
You will notice that his hands are out the way, or conversely he
will be holding on to you leg or your boot ( a security thing
for dog slaves, he may also have a form of 'Dog Separation

The slave sees himself as the personal property of his Master,
his pet dog. He is sort of resigned to giving himself over to
his Master, trusting his Master with everything. That he will
get pleasure from the simple things. That his Master will take
great care and dedication is the breadth of his slaves training.
Wants Master to be proud of his slave, and will take almost
anything from his Master to get there - in fact needs Master to
get his there.
Tends not to be into One-Night-Stands, the doggy loyalty thing.
Tends to have a very open and imaginative mind; receptive and
ready to be taken over by Master.

To be trained in long and hard sessions, to get into his role
and be kept there for days, the longer the better.
Of his place in life and what he has to learn to be complete
there. In his words? -
Sir, my place is on the floor, kicked off of the furniture
if i should forget.
To be kept on all fours (heavy irons on wrists and ankles).
Being kept ready for Master's instructions and use, without
being allowed to speak, eat, drink, piss or shit without
Masters permission.
That i have to learn to bark and whimper, do tricks, fetch
ball, as "the dogslave that i am".
To be taken for walks on all fours, eating out from Master's
hands, licking Masters hand and fingers.
Licking of his Masters boots where and however he wants.
Wagging my butt, holding in my butt plug tail, wagging it
like a real dog, so that it becomes second nature. So that
when i am pleased to see Master, He can see my butt, even if
i am muzzled and silent.
Sir, i need to be trained to bark my answers, expressing my
needs and feelings as a dog - scratching at the door to go
shit in the garden.
To learn to live my life 100% committed as your dog both in
private and in public. With my dog collar proudly around my
neck, tagged with my dog name on it and my Owner details on
the back.
Sir, i understand as your dog, as property that i will
relinquish my rights and opinions.
Sir, when i am kept outside, for me to be kept on a chain
(in whatever you want me to wear), knowing that i am chained
to this post, restricted to that length for my exercise
Mind Space^

I want to be a real dog, and use in that way, punished when
necessary for any disobedience.
Kept in confinement both inside and out, in my Kennel/Cage
as a dog would. With only my bowl to feed from, or corner to
piss in and a bone in my mouth. Soon i discover the safety
and security of my Kennel/Cage, this is the place that i
sleep, it has my bowl in it that he slides in under the
door. My restriction on movement is controlled by the space
and by the chain to the ring in the cage.
Sir, i need to be kept as a dog slave after i have been
allowed to cum, having been kept sexually desperate for so
long so that after i have cum to be put back into bondage,
in my Irons, cage or kennel, and kept there until required
for further use. Sir, I
need ongoing training to become my Masters property at all
time, to feel deep inside his ownership of me. A chain
locked around my neck could be cut off, but once owned it
becomes my talisman, a symbol of strength, it further
defines what i am. The fact that i am o
Sir, i need to be chained, gagged, muzzled, masked. Kept
without physically able to move or talk, waiting, with a wet
desperate hard-on ,unable to touch it. Sir, i would be
consumed with a need and a passion for me Master, to feel
his lightest touch through the bars on my cage.
So that i would do ANYTHING for his, and for him to know
this. |