|  | - This is a list of possible way for your boy,dog/slave to sleep at night.
Please send in any additional ways that your slave likes or dislikes. - Leather bound
 - ...my Owner is with me now, i spent last night, in my leather straight-jacket, leather chastity shorts, my ass well butt-plugged, leather bag hood on, ear plugs with white noise and shackles on my legs, a good dose of amyl/popper (for the last time), verbal abuse, ruff stuff, turns up the noise and then left in darkness, time was no longer an issue, still repeating my slaves mantra, except for his occasional touch or kick, i was miles away....bliss
Precautions - What if...
There has been much debate about slaves sleeping in bondage - what if the house burns down, what if the Master dies in his sleep, what if a slave has a problem of any kind and the Master is not responsive to the slaves needs!

- A smart Master will consider many 'What if' scenarios, and assessing their probability in deciding what he chooses as appropriate, however part of the buzz is the possible danger, can you escape this time. The alternative is fluffy cotton wool safety as exciting a glass of water.
- He would also avoid any unnecessary risk - you would not put someone in a tight hood for the night knowing that they had a full and unsettled stomach. If someone decided to vomit whilst in a hood, how many seconds do you think you have to
#1 - Wake up. #2 - Get your bearings. #3 - Get the hood off. #4 - Clear his air way. All before he chokes to death. Many suicide victims take sleeping pills, booze and a plastic bag over their heads - for this very outcome. What is the probability of some of these dangers? When ever I have slept with one of my slaves is bondages, I never end up having a deep sleep, one ear is always open to him, he is dependant on you. - Just think!