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*  Fire Fox
*  Safari


Publicity Info


From your feedback it comes as no surprise that you think this is the best site on this topic or even on the web!

You have asked me for More Information about the club, you have also asked me about posters that you can put up in the leather bars and clubs in your neighbourhood.

Below is a list of some promotional Material that you can print off, they are typically designed for the easiest reproduction.

I would be interested in knowing where you placed it and how well it was received.


Promotion Material ^

Files in PFD format need a Portable Document Format view such as Adobe Acrobat to read this or you might want the Netscape plug-ins. Other tools can be found at sites such as ( )


In European/A4 format about 140kb in size or

In American 'letter' format

DogHouse Flyer Card

Some of the content of this site has been used (with permission) for SM DogTraining workshops and in articles for publication. This is allowed when full credit is given and is not intended for use where it is plagiarized for content of your own Dog site etc.

The Doghouse is intended to be a resource on all aspects of SM DogTraining, and as any library you might use the same kind of rules apply.

The Original site

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