dogtrainer_1981@gmx.net Location: Stuttgart
Age: 20 Race: White Weight: 65 Height: 188 Hair: Brown Bandanna: BLACK
Social Tribe:BastilleScene interests: B&D(Bondage and Domination),SM(Sadomasochism), CP (Corporal Punishment/Whips/paddles), Submission, Cages, Hoods, Muzzles, VA(Verbal Abuse), Edge(Edge Play), Humili(Humiliation), Exhib(Exhibitionism), CBT(Cock and Ball Torture), TT(Tit Torture/play), F (Fucking), WS(Water Sports/Piss),SD(Sensory Depravation), G&Bf(Gags and Blindfolds), FF(Fist Fucking), Physical Abuse/Sexual Violence, Dog Bowls, Dog play, Petting, Shaving, Chastity, CD(Compulsory Dress as skinhead,biker, scum etc), Total Control, Mind Control, Enforcement(Chastity, lock in Butt-Plugs, Compulsory Dress),Toys(Dildoes, Butt-plugs etc), Forced Feeding, Filth/Scat, Sweaty(socks/pits/butts/bodies), Piercing, Suspension,Collars,Advert:Young Dog Trainer seeks Dog boy

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