Well, as you can expect all
these things cost, this is a non-profit organisation and so relies on YOU its
members for its existence, direction and continual growth.
The Cost
This can be a sensitive issue, so lets get it over with first:
- With in the Europe and EEC
- The cost of this is based on 15 UKP, as distribution costs within the
ECC are somewhat consistent, and the UK Address is used.
- Internationally
- The cost of this is based on 30 USD, as distribution costs
internationally vary, and postage from the USA is very cost-effective , and the US Address
is used.
What you get
- The on-line line adverts ("The Dog Pound")
are sent out Bimonthly (planned to be automated, so much faster), the paper newsletter is
planned to come out 4 times a year (though much better to be on-line).
- The List Server for the dog house that allows you to keep in touch with other on-line

Under construction are the additional pages for the one-stop shopping for the Trainer
and his dog slave ("Pup City"), from steel dog bowls to
cages, collars to tails, Scooby snax rewards to behaviour correction devices...
As part of the membership you
get a dog disc for your collar, as seem in the logo (which ideally the Master will have
engraved with "Property of..." on the back as he gets ready to chain his dog).
Still Interested?...
Then you better give some thought to your
advert then. This club is international, so need some more information about membership
- Your Contact address
- Is needed so that you can have written confirmation that you are over the age of consent
and that you are joining this club of your own free will,
and anyway, how else are we gonna post the paper Newsletters to you.
- Your Country and Area phone code
- Allows people to determine which country you are in, and if you are local or not, the
area code is sorted in the adverts.
Some typical codes might be for
London UK: 44-171 or 44-181 for Greater London.
Mountain View CA, USA: 1-415
Munich,Germany: 49-89
- Your Date of Birth
- Allows us to ensure that you are over the age of consent, and for you advertisement.
- Your Time Zone
- Means that if you are into on-line contact, that you will be on-line at the same time.
- Your Key interests
- like bondage, leather etc, but as key words.
- Relocatablity
- If you found the right Master would you relocate, to be in his cage ?
- Your level of experience
- Are you a novice, have you done anything like this before, always wanted to but never
did, or did your last Master keep you in a Cage at night, can catch dog treats out of the
air and you still have the chain collar welded on your neck.
- Weather you are the Trainer or the slave or a mixture of both
- Knowing which one wears the collar makes training a little easier. However a dog can be
active and 'Stud' other dogs, he can also be Dominant with other dogs, and might be a
'handful' for his Master.
- Your photo
- Will help during the pet selection process. When the Master walks through the Dog Pound
looking for a new pup, seeing these pups pushing at the bars of the cage trying to get
close, wanting to express themselves to a potential owner. So you want to look good for,
just as a dog may want to nuzzle against the leather of a Trainers leather leg, or for a
Trainer to see the potential in a dog or bitch. We can scan the picture in, or send it as
a JPG or GIF, we reserve the right to limit the resolution/colour content so that the load
time is optimised.
Give some thought to the picture as you are marketing yourself, if
you are submissive, I may suggest that you get your photo ready as best you can, ideally
one of you in 501s, and boots. If I were you a choose snug/good fitting pair of blue 501s
(or leather jeans), no under wear, maybe a cock ring or a leather thong tied around your
cock and balls to keep you horny, boots (lace-up black) or bear foot, short tidy hair
(buzz or crop), naked top, no t-shirt, take two shots, one normal, one down on one knee,
like you are waiting for Master, your prospective Owner. However do not make it explicit,
a Master often looks for attitude as well at looks, it is what the picture does not show
that can make them Hot.
From a Master's view point, what is it that
the slave is looking for ? Someone confident, in control, more than just a little
assertive, but also able to care for the dog, a dog best friend is his Master.
Be yourself - your are not dating an illusion.
Do not over sell yourself, let him be pleasantly surprised, not disappointed. Be honest
about yourself, distinguish between fantasy and reality, he will know what to do from
there, do not over specify, (my age/older, vague upper limit if needed). You will not know
the right Master for you, until you have met him, you do not want to miss Mr Right,
because he did not meet one of your criteria.