About The Contact List |
| Please read this section carefully before submitting the form. The Dog House contact list is for self-identified adults into an specialised area of SM referred to as dog training. In the most basic sense this is where a slave is treated as a dog, and behaves (made to behave) as such. This logo is a link and will give you more info on that section, e.g. what you are meant to put in that field or about that topic.
Your advert will be published both in the Dogpound and in the news letter for those member not on line. Those other members can email you directly, or send written correspondence to the Doghouse, and it is the forwarded. You can be removed from the list at your own request or if you are unable to be contacted for a period of time. Please check your entry in the list for errors when it appears - the list manager assumes no liability for errors in your entry, or for consequences arising from having your name included in the list. If you have found errors then you would need to report them to us. Entries are usually added within 48 hours, although sometimes I may be travelling and things can take up to 14 days, ideally you will get eMail notification when you have been added, where you will be invited to check your entry. Web Based Email | | Many are now getting in on-web email such as: | Entries are usually added within 48 hours, although sometimes I may be travelling and things can take up to 14 days Ideally you will get eMail notification when you have been added, where you will be invited to check your entry. If you do not have your own eMail account but access this site via a CyberCafé you may wish to use See Free Email for options | These email systems are free for life! - It's permanent.
You'll keep the same address even if you change jobs or ISPs. - It's accessible from any Internet-connected computer-anywhere in the world.
- It's private. You'll have your own mailbox and your own password.
- If you want to hide your office or shared family email address then use one of these.
| Check this box to HIDE your name from appearing in the advert. Hide my name on the web page - Hide Name false, unchecked.
- Name: (Last, First) e.g. Doe, John
- Email: (Required) JohnDoe@BigBank.com
Or you may choose I need to know how to contact you, or when you make a change to your advert, ot when your eMail has changed and I get two people joining when it is in fact one. You need to tell me if you want your name hidden. Likewise do not use shared accounts. The Father of one slave discovered his sone was gay (let alone what he was into) when the Father got some eMail from a Master - The Father was a bit of a Homophobe. If you do not have your own eMail account but access this site via a CyberCafé you may wish to use Hot Mail as your eMail provider. The Cost of Membership to the Doghouse is waved if all transactions are electronic. Membership costs are incurred when members are not online and also want the Newsletter etc - what is when there is a modest charge for membership. Use common sense when entering into a scene or meeting with someone who responds to your entry - it is difficult to verify the identity or integrity of someone over the Internet. |
Privacy Statement | In some countries the concept of privacy is becoming an abstract concept.
- When entering London for example your car tag is read by a camera as you enter the city, even if you are in a stream of traffic doing 90mph ( the average speed in London is 10mph, was faster in Queen Victorias time!)
This is not the place to drive a stolen car, their computer system can know about it in less 4 seconds. - Camera are everywhere, in some ATM machines, many of the cities have many CCTV's that they can track persons moving through the city - your never alone in many of the UK Cities (esp where there have been Bomb attacks in the past).
- The UK Metropolitan Police have registered they own a databases on peoples sexual life style.
You may have one of two view points, The British one that says "We live in a democracy, I have nothing to hide" - That is what the Spanner men said, and look what happened to them! or The German view who appear acutely aware of big brother - "Just why do they need this information ?
You need to weigh this up are the Police far too busy doing important work buried in a mountain of even more paper work, or do they have BOTS/Web Agents , that collect information 'just in case' for future use, with the laws now what would (not could) they use it for ? Sadly, of all the Cops that I have met, they tend to have the view that everyone is a criminal if they are not "one of us", given this view, how do you think they might react ? The State keeps claiming that it needs a camera every where to keep you secure - using crime statistics to scare you. One would not mind if one trusted "Big Brother", but all evidence shows that Big Brother has only HIS interests at heart, and unless you are rich and powerful you ain't worth spit. This is all part of "If you are not 'one of us' you must be against us", you see even Governments are paranoid. So with all this said, what is a reasonable level of Privacy ? You don't want to give them all the information about you on a plate. Your Government lies to you, and only tell you what they think they can get away with. If they are going to snoop on your private life - make them work for it. Use something like WebMail/HotMail unless you don't care. Not that a court prevented the Sciencetologist finding out who sent an anonymous email from Finland commenting about them. Use PGP randomly so that they have to look in every "hay stack" for information, some of which are empty. This would mean that they become interested in any PGP user - just in case. They are also interested not only in the content, but who you send it to. For example an email containting the word "Semtex" and mailed to Sadam Husain might attract more attention that the phrase "Hello Mum" sent to GrannySmith. Do not disclose any personal information about yourself with your REAL NAME. Likewise you might want to avoid black mail risks. Although some slaves into Total Control get off on that, though there is consent in there somewhere. When you fill out the FORM, Notice the yellow "HIDE MY NAME" check box, if it is a fake name or you don't care then leave it. Also, these days ALL international calls are 'snooped' (If you think your "Voice Type" software is cool you should see what 'Echelon' can do),checked against a book of key words, recorded and processed.
| In submitting the joining form, I understand that The DogHouse will be holding this given information about me. This information maybe used as part of membership research surveys ( - know your customer - ), a subset of this information will be published in the membership list, which has a high degree of accessibility, as is the intent of an advert. (Mailing photos to this site is taken to mean...) |
There is more than just Human tops and animal subs!  |
| An AlphaDog is a dom-canine (i.e. a topdog), as passive as a hungry Wolf, but still an animal with a Canine soul. When 2 dogs play with each other (on their own or for Master) one might become the dom of the pair. Likewise a human slave may enjoy training a dog, he would be a Trainer, but still a human slave. The Section says really what you are looking for, the sub-section says more about you, are you a dog that likes to play top or very much submissive ? Likewise there is a difference between submissive/dominant, Active/passive and sadistic/masochistic, they do not always fit in the same person. A Master might be get his kicks from developing a slave/pup more than inflicting pain on him, for more information see kinds of slaves. It is quite valid to a dogboy to be looking for another to play with, this is expected with the distribution of Tops to Subs - and for a Master it is nice to have a dogboy at each boot, and a great sense of pleasure seeing a couple of 'pup' playing together.You may also e-mail a picture of yourself to be included on the page. After you have submitted this page, your UUencoded/MIME GIF/JPG photo may be sent as attachments to photos@thedoghouse.org Be sure to include your name and the same eMail address I can match the file to the list entry, likewise the photo name is best saved as your userid (e.g. dogslaves.jpg and dogslave@aol.com possibly). You may want to get it just right using Paint Shop Pro (http://www.jasc.com) on Windows. The picture you send will be linked to adverts page via an orange eye button, pointers to their web page is via a archive/folder button, if they have a PGP key, this is via a Infinity button, this saves on load time which will an issues as the list size increases. |
Mailing photos to this site is taken to mean: |
| "I give my permission for The Dog House to display the details and any pictures (sent as attachments) in which I appear on its WWW site, due to the nature of the WWW access to the information that you have supplied about yourself will be uncontrolled (unless password security is put in place). I also understand that unknown persons may obtain copies of the pictures/information supplied from the web site and my publish them without reference to The Doghouse. I relinquish all claims to copyright and forfeit all rights against the Doghouse relating to these pictures." |