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The Essentials of Search
Doing a search is easy. Simply type one
or more search terms (the words or phrase that
best describe the information you want to find)
into the search box and hit the 'Enter' key
or click on the Search button.
Advanced Operators
Several of the more common operators use punctuation
instead of words, or do not require a colon.
Among these operators are OR, "" (the quote
operator), - (the minus operator), and + (the
plus operator). More information on these types
of operators is available on the Basics of Search
page. Many of these special operators are accessible
from the Advanced Search page, but some are
not. Below is a list of all the special operators
Google supports.
Search Results Page
Your search results page is packed with information.
Here's a quick guide to decoding it. Each underlined
item is a search result that the Google search
engine found for your search terms. The first
item (not counting News results) is the most
relevant match we found, the second is the next-most
relevant, and so on down the list. Clicking
on any underlined item will take you to the
associated web page. But first, here's a sample
search results page, along with brief explanations
of the various types of information about your
search results that you can find there.