How can I help with
The doghouse?

As the site grows the work increases at a fevered pace.
We need writers, photos, reviewer, organisers, sponsors,translators...

If you want to lend a hand, then email me below.


Photographic Models Wanted

The site constant needs additional photos of hot slaves depicting the dogslave way of life.  This includes all aspects of their training, together with Trainer/Masters who would be interested in becoming involved. 





Corrospondents  Wanted

The site constant needs to be aware of news, reviews and happening around the world that relate to SM and SM Dog Training

  • There are many people that help with the DogHouse directly and indirectly in an adhoc way.
  • We are always keen for people who share this passion to put it to work in the here. Whatever service you can donate it is always welcome.
  • What is needed is Writers, Translators, Organizers, Promoters, Copy editors and Contributors. There are a number of Masters proudly showing the antics of their pups in these pages.
  • This site offers page exchanges/ reciprocation , where some pages are republished  (with permission and full credits) having return links to the originals, that may not be in English - in return for using content that is found on this site.
    This follows the goal of being a central repository for everything that relates to SM DogTraining.