Welcome to The DogHouse Home Page for the Other Kennel Club 
Why this Club ?For some time I've wanted to join a club for those of us interested in Human Canine Pets/Animal rôle play. I have finally given in to pressure to try and make this a reality. There are many people with diverse interests, from traditional 'dogslaves', 'ponygirls' or Wolfen or Morphs who wish to express an animal side in their personality. Having spoken to a significant number on the internet and in Unbridled Desires, I have found a notable participation within S&M rôle play of submissives adopting this kind of behaviour, and the Tops/Trainer/Owners who like them that way. There can be a great deal of satisfaction derived from this aspect of rôle play, whether it be from within the S&M Psychology, to the freedom of responsibility and a simpler life. There is a great deal of expression and passion that can be found in the animal vocalizations that cannot be found in a dictionary, when you have been 'Lost for words' in describing how good something was, how good your feel, how intense the scene it, how 'at-one' you feel. Where all you adjectives are exhausted, these are a welcome addition to a submissive's expression. However the expression from a Top or dominant can be richly enhanced, with Growls, Snarls etc. The posturing of both parties, as the submissive cowers and the dominant stands tall above his conquest, is something which is still in us, though often surpressed. It is my opinion that it is a health expression and acknowledgment of a component of self, and it's also fun.
 Who should join ?The membership is open to Male, Female, Gay, Straight and those who leave their options open. The club is for those over the age of consent, though might not an issue for Furry Muck Fans. For legal reasons it is safer to ensure that you are an adult making an informed decision, you would not be joining a club for 'fluffy bunnies'. In the words of one submissive "My earliest fantasies were all about being someone's pup - dog collar, leash, dog bowl, petting, crouching at my master's feet - the whole bit. As I've grown up, I've managed on a few occasions to find someone who was interested in being my master, but they were usually not really into it, it was more from curiosity." So if you are looking to make contact with like minds in your area who share these kinds of interest, or want to swap ideas, meet up at venues, then this is the club for you.

Goals & Objectives- To provide contact both Nationally and Internationally for Human Canine Pets and their Trainers.
- To provide a forum for discussion on Human Canine Pets issues, to prevent from feeling that you are either dysfunctional or alone, and to enjoy this diversity.
- ListServer distribution will allow you to keep in touch with like other club members with in a global discussion group. The Newsletter can be distributed electronically as an ePublication, with contact adverts, venue details, manufacture's addresses (related products), stories, international news and diary of events. The Electronic copy is 'protected' where appropriate, and can be decrypted using both your Membership Number and your mail ID.
How to contact us:By mail Send a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope to:
The Doghouse. PO Box 2699, Brighton, BN1 8RQ, UK
Please note: Payment via post is no longer accepted, the PO Box 2699 is now closed as the Royal Mail has increased the PO rental by over 1000%, clearly showing their lack of interest in Postal services.
In future payments can only be made via Google, BACS and Mobile/Cellular phones. (07/Oct/2012)
eMail is faster. Click here to send for more information on joining. To see more about TopDog 