Abusive Furniture
Death of a Captive
Tower of Power

| |  Impalation: to feel a strong, secure anchor deep with in your gut - to know of no escape and eventual certain fatal penetration. yaqa` {yaw-kah'} - (Qal) to be dislocated, be torn away, be alienated
- T
o execute slowly (by exposure or impalation) - To hang
- To be executed
The Ancient Greece, the sauna houses had benches where a series of wooden pegs were laid out growing in size. There purpose was to stretch the ass of the young slaves that were eventually to be used in the pleasure rooms. As the one on the largest peg is taken away each boy moves up one and a new slave is put on the initial peg. For me I find it well horny to imagine a slave with this deep rod in the boys gut that he has been placed on and cannot get off without assistance. In Ancient times it was also a method of execution and entertainment to carefully impale a guy on a spike in the ground. The pole was lubed so he could not grip it when his hands were unbound from behind him. He will get used to the erotic penetration deep into his body, he will stretch onto his toes to see if he can escape, he may try to risk leaping to free himself. However, in time his legs get weaker and weaker and the penetration gets deeper and deeper. Until the inevitable happens the the tip of the sharp pike cuts into vital organs, this will hasten his death from internal bleeding, the the butt hole is still sealed by the pike into his body. See Death of a Captive for some imagery.
In many FF/Fist Fucking movies you see guys taking ever wider, deeper, longer penetration toys. From some sizable butt plugs to traffic cones. One on the many ways of controlling your slave is by having his butt hole secure and full. I enjoy keeping my slaves butt plugged at all times unless they need to ask permission to take a dump. |
Using their Hole^For sure they have a need to feel you controlling them, and part of this training is regular use of their butts. I prefer to ensure that the slave is secure - however initially they need to deal with their mind to allow them to relax enough to open up. This in time allows you to have yet another bondage point, another point of control over your slave. Good use can be made of getting the slave to sit on the well lubed butt plug, tie him secure and wait. Eventually it will go in (see Tower of Power). I prefer not to damage my slaves so I looks are realistic goals, others not mind a bit of blood. However, damage in that region can be hard to repair. |
Tower of PowerThis like the male equivalent of 'Riding and Iron Horse', it offers a small padded perch for the buttons to sit on, maybe some four inches by two inches. This is wide enough for the centre to hold in place a Butt Plug. The slave has the tip inserted into his ass and then the 'supporting' column is adjusted till the slave is on his toes. He feet are secured so there is no risk of escape, just the inevitable. Also see Catalogue of Abusive Furniture |