Hello SIR,  I thought I would write and just say how fantastic the doghouse website is. I can remember when I was 18, 2 days after I got the Internet that I found this site and was amazed that people actually did what I fantasised about. I can always remember seeing a picture of a dog begging for a bone with loads of other people in the room and wanting to be that dog. I have been looking at your website for 5 years now, watching the updates and seeing new ideas in how I could be trained as a dog. As someone that designed a few websites I am amazed at the size and scope of it and think it is a wonderful resource! Since then I have come out and been at university for 4 years. Over that time I have got more and more interested in the leather scene and especially dog training and have repeatedly come back to read your site for advice on how the general dogslave would be trained. I have wanted to start training as a dog for the best year and a half but due to university never had the time. However, I graduated in July and I have had a couple of training sessions and it has left me thriving for more.
I was wondering whether I could ask your advice on a couple of points: - The MASTERS and TRAINERS which I have trained with have been very new to the dog training scene as well and the scenes have been a result of both me and the MASTERS would like to do. There has not really been any strictness in the scene with sometimes the MASTERS asking if it is ok to do something (I answer in barks). I have recently been in touch with a MASTER and he has come over as strict and basically a TOP that knows what to do with its pup. For instance a comment he made to me was, "you might no have been fucked yet but I would expect it as a basic part of you training." this seems like the exact type of TOP I need to help me in training as a dog. HE will treat me as a dog without discussing the exact ways I will be trained, just my present limits. It has left me scared and excited as what I see as the next step in my training but has left me nervous in taking that step. Also, in two months time I will be backpacking to Australia for 10 months and been talking to a MASTER there who has offered to turn me into a dog if I have a month. I am seriously thinking of taking up HIS offer (after we have a met a couple of times before hand) but again am very nervous about giving the complete control without knowing what will happen! Thank you for taking the time to read my email and I would appreciate any comment you have on my positions take care licks pup |