|  |  "We all like to meet people and there are loads of ways to do so, through the Internet, youth groups and out on the scene. The people you are chatting to are there for the same reason. So be yourself and enjoy yourself but don't let yourself get forced into anything you don't want to do. Where to find people:
The Internet -
- The Internet has loads of places find other people with similar interests. The main ways to contact other people are in chat rooms or though mailing lists but be careful, as people don't always tell the truth about themselves. There are loads of ways to chat to people and make friends including IRC and on
MSN etc chat rooms.
- Youth Groups -
Youth groups are informal and fun and a great way to make friends and maybe even more. Major towns and cities have their own LGB Youth Groups and Many Universities have an LGB society.
- The scene -
People often meet when out with friends. Usually being introduced by someone else.
- Being Careful
There are a couple of pieces of advice to follow when meeting people. You may have heard it before but that's because its advice worth remembering. NEVER tell anyone personal details about yourself such as your telephone number. Remember any information you send out can be seen by anyone, and it cannot be guaranteed that people are who they say they are. Always be careful if you plan to meet someone you met off the Internet. Make sure someone knows where you are going. Meet in a public place where there are people about, and make sure you have means to get away and get home.
Always be cautious and take care. You have no way of knowing whether a person is genuine or not. He or she may well be as innocent as you, but you can't tell, and it is a dangerous risk to take. Though we would advise against it, if you agree to meet up remember the following rules: Until you are sure the person is ok do not give them your home address or phone number, meet in a busy, public place during daylight hours are best. If you get an uneasy feeling don't ignore it, just make your excuses leave their company, always making sure you are in a situation where you can get away and make it home safely with money for a taxi if needed. For young people there are many youths groups around the country specifically for your age, if they are a similar age then you are best arranging to meet in such a location. Tell someone where you are going. This could be a friend or family member and tell them about the person you are arranging to meet. If you have a mobile phone, arrange for someone to ring you during the time you are out to make sure you are ok. If you keep a private diary write where you are going and who with. Remember, you are meeting to have fun or for enjoyment. Don't let the situation get out of hand. Common sense is the most essential aspect of personal safety.