The Survey

From time to time the dog house conducts surveys from its readership for the benefit of the readership.
This poll is to find out the strength of feelings for SM Dog events such as Dog Shows, Workshops, Boots camps, Club nights and so on.
Please let me take a moment of your time to ask you to fill out this questionnaire.





E-Mail Address:*
Interest level (1-4):*
What Interests you?
Please check all
that apply.
Dog Shows
Boot Camps/Weekends
Club Night Specials
The next series of questions relate to how important events are. You drive to a local event, would you take vacation to include the event


Event type:

Evening AfternoonAll dayAll weekendAll week

Travel plans.

How would you travel?

How far would you travel?

Event Details.

How much have you paid for such an event?

How important is it to you to wear your rubber, skinhead, leather fetish gear at such events.

How interested are you in hospitality, hotel accommodation for the event?
1=low, 5=high

Additional Comments and ideas for the event.
You can cut and pasted from Notepad into this box.
If you want to help then let us know or look at



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