The DogHouse SubscriptionAs low as £20

24/7/356 subscription to the doghouse

Get a subscription The Doghouse is the worlds most comprehensive site for SM dog training.

Free Membership
You need to register and create a login. If your already have a advert on the site you can use this to claim your nickname userid.
Who will be the first to claim "pup" or "K9" ?
You can still place adverts and join the the conventional way.
Why pay now
Since the site was opened in 1995 it has been free, run as a personal home page. In that time it has grown with several 1000 web pages, with around 100,000 visitors a day that costs in terms of hosting, bandwidth, time and effort. 
The site can run in one of two ways to remain a hobby or to be self sustaining to be funded so that it can benefit dog kind, can fund grown and development. 
Once you are a member with userid nickname you can get a years subscription to the doghouse.
This will require you to logon.
Gift subscription
You might want to buy a subscription for someone else, your pup perhaps?
You might not have online money but your friends do.
You want full anonymity in your banking.
Payment can be online or off line.
Via Credit Card, Pay Pal,  Travellers Cheque, UK Cheque and mobile phone.
Cost - 356 days
  • Interbank Payment : via  Electronic Banking : £20 UKP
    This will incur banking delays - between 3 - 7 days
    You will get via email an activation key.
  • Online Payment : £25 UKP, €35 EUR, $48.60 USD
    This has instant payment notification.
    Which means you can be connected in a few moments.
  • Offline Payment : via Travellers Cheque : £25 UKP
    This will incur postal delays.
    You will get via email an activation key.


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